Thursday, July 21, 2011

A New Era For Our Military and Nation.

(A very appropriate picture.) The time has finally come.

The Pentagon will announce Friday that it is ready to certify the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," the controversial 1993 law that banned gays from serving openly in the military, two U.S. officials told Fox News.

This signals a great cultural shift in our society away from the cultural foundation that has made America the nation it is. I have a hunch America will be receiving a fairly significant military set back coming soon. At least America won't be discriminating against homosexuality. I like Congressman Allen West's take on DADT.


  1. Well, this should make a lot of Marines and Seamen happy!
    I have mixed feelings. If you can let women into combat positions, and they are almost everywhere, though not technically there, then it seems the same for gays. I know that you guys knew gay people in the Marines. Did you think they made worse Marines than others?

    On the other hand, where do you stop? And do we want to see classically gay behavior (as depicted in your picture) exhibited by people in uniform? Would a gay Marine have the discipline to comport him/herself appropriately while in-uniform/on-duty?


  2. I asked my IRR CO about this at my last IRR meeting and he said that repealing DADT would be a big mess and rolled his eyes.

    Telling a gay person to walk normal during drill or act in a military manner would be considered discrimination.

    Being a woman and a homosexual is not the same thing. The question is would the military allow men and women to share a barrack room or a shower/ restroom? Would a woman feel comfortable taking a shower in a male shower room on a deployment especially considering the fact that the men are sexually starved and being in the field makes one horny? Unles of course the woman was looking for a gang bang. If I am a male taking a shower with a homosexual male and he is giving me looks or jeers and he has a buldge in his pants, what do I do? Do I tell him to stop? Do I stay calm and not freak out and start a physical altercation or pull a sling blade and whack him in the head when he aint looking or do I go tell Gunny? Will Gunny be willing to punish the homo for sexual harrasiment or be affaird to pursue the issue because I don't have any proof and the Gunny is close to retirement and he doesn't want to be labeled anti gay and look bad? Will Chaplans be forced to accept homosexuality and teach that it is okay in the chapel? The Missour Synod Lutherans are no longer traing military Chaplans. Will the military provide the same benefits to married and gay couples?
    What about traditional families that are deployed overseas and are forced to live in a small community: shopping at 1 grocery, general store one chapel one gym. They will be forced to see homosexuals walking around holding hands at these places. What will the traditional family say to their childern who are being forced by circumstances to watch this. Will I as a heterosexual be able to express my condemination of homosexality? The bottom line is that the repeal of DADT will force the acceptance of homosexuality on all military personal. I was told often by my DIs in bootcamp to straigthen my wrist out and stop being a fag. Will they be able to say this now? What about during drill? Will the DI,s or whoever is leading the formation be able to tell people to stop walking funny like openly gay people do? This is a military effectivness issue.

    The homosexualty life style is in conflict with the requirements for military service.

    Other nations allow gays in their military and they still have a military that works to some extent. But what is the status of that military and that society and country? Those nations are declining culturally and financially.

    This is just the part the decline of America, freedom, and the foundations of the Western way of life. The final decline is not that far off. Study the subject and you will see that this is not hyperbole.

  3. I never knew any gay Marine. One that I knew beyond a doubt. A lot were hard to tell where they stood.
