Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Signs of some cuts

It looks like the postal service is finally getting reigned in. USPS has been outdated since mid 20th century. I havent heard much outcry from the public about the fact that over 100k postal service jobs might be lossed. This is a good sign. I think people are realizing that the private sector needs to do the job. Hopefully we start seeing some more cuts. The military? I would accept a pay cut. Shoot, I wouldnt be heartbroken if I was laid off from the Guard.


  1. Well, at least now when quasi-governmental agencies come begging for ever-more handouts, the government is able to say "no" to them. Yes, dropping the USPS would be a big step forward, both symbolically and actually.

    But, we still need the Oregon Guard to man the coastal defences. I say put the Ft Stevens guns back in-service!

    Anonymous Bud-D

  2. The USPS will be bailed out in some form or the other. The reason that nobody cares about the postal service is that the cuts don't affect them. SS and other gov programs do. I have seen commercials of the postal union employees.

    The national guard will be doing riot control and taking care of social unrest in the not-too-distant-future.

    The military is a welfare class. They are talking about doing away with military retirement: "Pentagon planners may be closer than ever to radically overhauling the military retirement system, threatening an end to the longstanding practice of guaranteed lifetime payouts for retirees with 20 years of service."

    Last month, officials from the Defense Business Board outlined their plan for changing the way military retirees are paid, abandoning the 20-year service target in favor of a 401(k) style plan."

    Part of the huge increase in the national debt/big rip off of America limit intails "massive" cuts, the words of military officials, to the military.

    Here are some articles on the debt deal for anybody that thinks it was a good thing.

    ""Last November Republicans were sent to Washington to cut spending and to reduce the size of government. That did not happen here. That's all that matters on this deal, and it will show up very soon."

  3. Get ready for the push for disabled people to join the military

    Alowing gays to serve is just the first step towards the military conforming to society and doing away with its standards.
