Monday, July 11, 2011

This Is Rock/Math!

A short post with some videos, about 10 minutes all together, that makes/alludes to the connection between math and music. "Math has long been at the foundation of music. In fact, in ancient Greece, 'music' referred to the study of numerical ratios, and around the time of Plato, 'harmony' originally emerged as a branch of physics." (The video is under the June 30 entry.)

And check out this video starting at minute 12 Also check out this video about string theory. There is a connection between math and music. What makes a collection of sound noise or music? Is modern rock music considered noise or real music? The videos are interesting.


  1. Very interesting.

    I wonder if someone could master these math ratios and figure out a system of making harmonies and write tons of poppy music for shitty artists. Kind of like writing music for a pretty face. The masses would buy it. Just like Britney Spears and Lady Gagas producers.

  2. Yeah, figures. A little too much to grasp. Keep rocking and head banging.

  3. We have noticed at work how many engineers are musicians. Tons. Of course tons of other careers have musicians in their ranks too, but I think the math section of the brain and music section of the brain are related.

    Anonymous Bud-D

  4. There is definitly a link between math and music.
    And universities offer a course on math and music.
