Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Listen Up Marines! R. Lee Ermey has a few things to say!

Ignore the lame-o house band doing the Stones cover.  R. Lee Ermey comes out, says a few nice things, then let's us know what's on his mind.

Stolen from Ace

You guys probably know this scene well, but here's R. Lee Ermey in his prime being an Old School Marine

May not be kosher in the new gay-friendly military.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with what Ermey said. It sounds over simplified and stupid, but it appears to be accurate. It is an opinion though when one ascribes the intentions to what Obama is doing. Ermey's opinion agrees with what we know to be true: Obama is destroying the economy and he does have a connection with the people who authored the cloward-piven strategy and other radical people who want to collapse the current system. Regardless of the intentions, Obama is destroying the economy.

    Gays will be the new protected class and won't be able to be criticized. There will no longer be any joking around calling someone a fag or gay or making any gay jokes. Get ready for senseitivity classes of PME's on accepting gays.

    Democratic nations tend to produce a military with weak fighting men and a weak spirit. As a nation's standard of living becomes higher and creates a more comfortable lifesytle, the fighting spirit of its people and its military becomes weaker. If America ever looses its technological advantage and has to fight a war whose outcome depends on the fighting spirit of its men, America will probably loose. I doubt Americans could go through the deprivation that they did during WWII or deal with 10,000 dead in one day. I read that over half of America's youth are physically unable to join the military because of weight issues or from being physcially weak, although I think a high % of that is from criminal records. Of course all of this probably doesn't matter as wars will be fought with technology or in more subtle ways such as attacking its opponent's economy or computer infrastructure. Of course an EMP weapon would destroy all of the technology. I don't think there will be a WWII style war happen. America will fall into the hands of its enemies like an over ripe fruit as Lenin said: "First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. We will encircle the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. We will not need to fight. It will fall as a ripe fruit into our hands." Look around to see this has come true. America has been overtaken and accepted communist thought and even elected a bunch of them. America is ripe and about to fall into the hands of the new-non-Stalinist-loving-caring-soft-we will take care of you communism.

    China has its new carrier killer missile and is expanding it reach in that region of the world and is getting more air craft carriers and is cutting its exports of rare earth minerals.
