Thursday, December 2, 2010

How do we stop the crazed Odinist fundamentalists?!

It's so obvious who the real terrorists are: blonde, blue-eyed young men who worship Odin and have names like Ingmar Johanssen.  So, why in the heck are we groping old women with names like Maria Gutierrez? 

This humorous article makes its points (that I of course agree with) in a fun way.

Pictured are Odin and his Raven guides Huginn and Muninn (spirit and mind) along with, curiously for a supposed religion of peace, a seaxe.  So an example of Scando-Anglo-Saxon terror.


  1. The article was an interesting analogy. Another big piece of news is that the true size of the bailouts that happened in 2008 were much larger than originally know. And the government has bought equity in several US business. If the equity part is, true then America is evolving into a different form of government. Everything below is pasted from these two sources.
    ""So that takes us to the TARP part of this. And that's this $3.3 trillion that we've learned above and beyond TARP that went to GE, to the teachers in California, the retirement fund for the state employees, municipal employees, Bristol, Connecticut, Harley-Davidson, all the Wall Street banks, and all the European banks. What's being done here -- and this is where Mr. Munger at Duke University was invaluable in his assistance -- what's being done here is unprecedented. The Fed and QE2, Quantitative Easing, for all of its brazen chutzpah is at least legal because the Fed is independent, by design they don't have to answer to Congress or to anybody else. What they're doing is buying up debt, and that is what is unprecedented. The thing about TARP that was so unprecedented and so dangerous is that TARP gave government regulators the power and the money to buy up equity, that is, they were buying up ownership of companies. "

    "There are two dangerous things about that. Number one, it means that the government now sits on the boards of these companies. That's socialism. You make fun of us when we say Obama, Pelosi, Reid, are socialists, but government ownership of the means of production is Karl Marx's definition, verbatim, socialism. I would add that it gets close to even fascism. It just is. And number two, it means that the government is in a position to help friends and punish enemies on a scale not seen since the 1930s. And that is what the real point of all of this is, TARP and this $3.3 trillion. The extended recession of the 1930s actually has the same cause as the high unemployment rate has today, uncertainty about government policy and the recognition that if you play ball, you'll get government money. If you play ball you get government money. But government money is a devil's bargain. Once the government has a seat at your board of directors table they'll want changes in how you produce, how you treat unions and so on. So as bad as Fed policy is right now, the real danger is that we forget the line between the debt and equity, which is ownership for government. "


    "The financial crisis stretched even farther across the economy than many had realized, as new disclosures show the Federal Reserve rushed trillions of dollars in emergency aid not just to Wall Street but also to motorcycle makers, telecom firms and foreign-owned banks in 2008 and 2009."[...]The Fed launched emergency programs totaling $3.3 trillion in aid, a figure reached by adding up the peak amount of lending in each program."
