Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It Was 30 Years Ago, Today...

He was living in New York at the time, and was very happy there.  He said that he wished he had spent his whole life there.  But, then paid the price. 

I was not impressed with John's post-Beatle production, (The Beatles had been broken up for ten years when he was shot) not just because the music wasn't that great, but because he seemed so bitter.  He wrote some bitter songs in The Beatles too, and that helped add an edge to them, but, it's my old bugaboo, when the bitterness gets one-dimensional, it wears thin.  However, the assasination guaranteed there would be no Beatle reunions.  That added a great deal of downerness to the whole situation, because a whole generation had continued to hope that someday, The Beatles would get back together.

There was a huge vigil in Central Park to honor him,. I think Papa said that he saw it.


  1. Where were you when you found out? I was upstairs in the living room (3221 Towle house) when mom was on the phone with Grandma Pat and she informed us that Kurt Cobain died.

  2. Dang, I used to know that. We were living in my grandpa's house at the time, but I can't remember for sure anymore.

    It was a lot like when Cobain died, though more so for you than for me, I'm sure.

  3. Why would anybody want to attend a vigil for Lennon? He was a commie along with the rest of the Beatles.

  4. He made good music. Not all his music was communistic. He revolutionized music for others to follow. You can't write the history of music without having a chapter on what he did. Only idiots would take his political points of view seriously.

    Many people I know, including myself, love his music. I turned out to be very anti communist. Thats the great thing about art. It is as subjective as can be. To say, "you have communist lyrics. I hate you. You are evil." Is ridiculous. If you judge him on some of his commie lyrics then you are listening to music for the wrong reasons.

  5. "It's been a hard days night and I've been working like a dog, it's been a hard days night and I should be sleepin like a log

    But when I get home to you I find the things that you do Will make me feel all right

    You know I work all day To get you money to buy you things And it's worth it just to hear you say "Youre gonna give me everything"

    So why on earth should I moan? Cause when I get you alone You know I feel all right"- Lennon

    Anyone should attend a vigil to the author of that.

  6. I was being a little jocular on my statement there, toeface.

    I have some Beatles on my Ipod, but I haven't listened to them in a long time. If you like them then that is cool. Are you really anti-communist, an oversimplified word that does not encompass the whole concept? I would argue that you hold basically held beliefs that are communist. Music programs your mind in a way that you and I are not aware of to think a certain way. There is a lot more to it. Have you read any of "The Closing OF The American Mind"? That is level one of two, there are many more levels, on your ability to understand my qualm with music. Although I still listen to rock every now and then.

    And on your quote of a song, who he is coming home to sounds like a bitch. Why would I work all day just to have someone take it all away? Maybe it is a metaphor for the government taking our money away? I am just jesting on the last sentence.

  7. Its what humans do. Men work and provide. The woman provides sex, cooking, cleaning, and nurturing the children.

  8. That is a sexist statement. The existing family structure and male-female relationship must be reworked. "Motherhood itself was a socially imposed constraint on the liberty of women."

  9. I'm not sure if you are being jocular again.
