Friday, April 9, 2010

My New Idea

Ok guys I have an idea. Hear me out.

Obviously the majority of people in this country(probably the 80 percent that Jeff was referring to) pay a lot of attention to pop culture more then politics. Avatar probably sculps peoples views on the world more then actual events. What if there was a huge blockbuster movie that illustrates the fate of socialism and what Jeff seems to think Obama and his buddies are trying to pursue? What if I started a campaign to create this multi million dollar budget movie and get it out there? Wouldnt that be cool? Start with grass root fundraising around Portland and got someone to create a website. Any amount of money would be accepted and put in to a secure fund. Make the website legitimate and attractive. Guarantee all money donated would be refunded if the idea never amounts to anything. Keep track of all money donated, who donated it, and how to refund it. Once the fund got in to the thousands and a couple hundred people have donated, it would be easier to get rich people and companies to donate. If the fund ever reached a solid amount it could attract a real producer.

I think the movie could be exciting too. Have actual current political leaders played by actors. Have like Obama now scheming his plots behind closed doors and the have his schemes become reality ten years down the road in an almost 1984 type way. The climax could have RTP contributors fast rope in to the oval office with machine guns smokin and bandanas on our heads.

Its really far fetched but this is America. Anyone can do anything. At least that was the idea.


  1. Somebody should try to sell this ideal to business men or the producers in our society since they will be the first ones to get hit by all that is happening. A movie loosely based off of Atlas Shrugged would be good, but that might be a little above people's heads. A series of movies should be made that are really simple and allegorical. People would have to be taught like the king was in _A Thousand and One Nights_. His wife cheated on him so he just married one woman a night then killed her. Eventually he ran out of women to marry, so his aid's daughter who was really smart was able to get him to listen to her stories for a 1001 nights. The stories were simple and all ended in cliff hangers to get him to continue to listen, and all the stories were really about the king that showed him what he was doing was wrong.

    This guy is saying that retirements are going to be a thing of the past.

    "The cost of unfunded Social Security and Medicaid is over $100 trillion — and rising. This is about ten times bigger than the total existing debt of the United States, and it is about $330,000 per man, woman and child in the United States — or about $1.3m for a family of four. And rising."

    "So your average US family of four is facing a government-imposed bill of $1.3m on top of existing taxes! Change the sign around and they'd all be millionaires! Welcome to the age of the negative millionaire."

    "I would suggest that the pensions/social security system — the system of intergenerational transfers in which the young get signed up by their elders, often before they are born — not only resembles but actually is an intergenerational Ponzi scheme, the biggest scam ever invented. And to you young people here, I am sorry to say, if you want to see who the suckers of this Ponzi scheme are, just look in the mirror."

    "So the system must inevitably collapse. The younger you are, the more you stand to lose. And the longer the scam goes on, the more it will cost you."

  2. I just watched Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story. It was hilarious. I could explain why it was ridiculous but I'm sure the only people reading this blog could probably assume why it was. I'm glad that I can see through all the bull shit. There was a time when Moore's documentaries could have easily fooled me. His movies boost my self esteem. I now know that I am smarter then Michael Moore.

  3. "The climax could have RTP contributors fast rope in to the oval office with machine guns smokin and bandanas on our heads."

    I'd watch that movie.

    I remember just a little while ago there was talk of an Atlas Shrugged movie. I think they had even named who would play Dagny. We may have even talked about it here on the blog, but I'm too lazy to do an archive search. I haven't heard anything about it lately.

    Everyone going to a Tax Day Tea Party?

    Good for you ToeJamm for sitting through that filth and seeing what the opposition's talking points are. I wouldn't do it. It's satisfying to realize how irrelevent Michael Moore has become. It's hard for him to rail against GM now that it's owned by the government.
