Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is this really happening? And the 10-80-10 rule.

(This is a rehash of earlier comments.) I touched on this in the comment section of the Greece post. It seems like everything the government is doing is for the purpose of destroying what is left of our capitalist economy. What they are doing makes no sense if you look at it from the standpoint of promoting economic prosperity. The Cloward-Piven strategy is "The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The 'Cloward-Piven' Strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse." This collapse that their plan would bring about would be 'a profound financial and political crisis' that would unleash 'powerful forces ... for major economic reform at the national level.'" If these two people were just crazy kooks, this would not really mean much. But these people have been influential to some of our leaders and they are connected to our President. The link above is interesting. How will people react to this crises? This can't really be happening.

Is this plan coming to fruition?
President Obama's fiscal 2011 budget will generate nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation's economic output by 2020,[...]That figure would equal 90 percent of the estimated gross domestic product in 2020, up from 40 percent at the end of fiscal 2008. By comparison, America's debt-to-GDP ratio peaked at 109 percent at the end of World War II, while the ratio for economically troubled Greece hit 115 percent last year.[...]The CBO and the administration expect the deficit for fiscal 2010, which ends Sept. 30, to approximate $1.5 trillion and exceed 10 percent of GDP, the first time that threshold will have been reached since World War II.[...]But they generally agree that budget deficits should proceed along a consistent, downward path as the expansion matures. Most economists, therefore, fear the prospect of rising deficits in the latter part of this decade, long after steady economic growth has returned and unemployment has plunged. [...]For the 2016-20 period, CBO estimates that deficits will average more than 5 percent of GDP, even while assuming the economy will be near full employment, with an average jobless rate of 5 percent during that same five-year period.[...]Deficits in the, let's say, 5 percent of GDP range would lead to rising debt-to-GDP ratios in a manner that would ultimately not be sustainable,'

This is only one of several reports. This basically says that there will be a debt-driven crises within the decade unless major changes are made.

I rented out a book from the library called The Survivors Club. (I heard about it from Glenn Beck.) It is interesting because it points out how various people react to crises. Do you have what it takes to survive a crises? How does 10-80-10 fit into this? We are going through a period of great change now and within our lifetime their will be an even greater change that will be more pronounced. How will people react to this? According to the book, during crises such as planes crashing, ships sinking at sea, or any great period of change from the status quo in our daily lives(this is coming our way) 10% of the people do the correct thing, 80% percent just turn into statues and freeze up and are in denial about what is happening, and 10% do the wrong thing. There is great change occurring now and most people are unaware of it or they are in denial. They are lost in the sauce and will be sweep away by the coming tide, all while humming along to the daily beat of life. About this reaction John Leach states, "Denial and inactivity prepare people well for the roles of victim and corpse." Are you the 80% that will be in denial and freeze up? Do you know what kind of change is coming our way? Do you really even care? How will you react to the coming period of great change or crises?


  1. This 10-80-10 thing is something I've always thought about. Everyone always resort to saying, "Oh dont worry, the economy is cyclical, we'll pull through." By what? Magic?

    If our leadership is doing everything in its power to exascerbate the problem then how can we pull through so undoubtedly?

  2. We pull through by voting the commies out at the ballot box. When the great weight of the nation is against something, it can be stopped. Like when we, ie, conservatives, blocked George Bush's super illegal immigrant amnesty scheme. There we had all the Democrats, plus the Republican president, plus many RINO Republicans pushing for it, and The People (I like Das Volk better, and I'm NOT a NAZI) rose up and said "No f#$kin' way!". We will do it again. We did do it in Massechusetts. We will do it in November...or not. Keep up the heat.

    Leaders can only lead if they are allowed to (there's some alliteration for you).

  3. Jeff, it sure seems like their intention is to destroy this nation's economy, and they are definitely trying to greatly increase The State's control of our lives. 'They' being Obama, most Democrats, and certainly virtually all of Obama's advisors. But, I don't think they are intentionally trying to destroy the economy. I think they are trying to intentionally redistribute as much wealth as they can get their hands on, while still keeping the engine alive enough to keep pumping out the wealth. Unfortunately, their policies have been shown time and again to be killing the engine. But I don't think that part of it is intentional.

    Remember, the vast majority of these people, including our President, are academics who couldn't deal with a real problem if their lives depended on it. That's why they teach.

  4. When crises strikes or great changes in people's lives take place, people just do not want to believe or they don't know how to react to it--they just freeze up. "I can not believe nor can I believe that people would purposely destroy our economic system." "This is crazy. This is just not possible." "No way." People transpose their way of thinking onto others. Anything foreign to their thinking is not possible. Or people go hum Humpty du do doo to daily life and don't care.

    The current trends all started long before any of us were born.

    On what they are doing not being intentional: If you don't believe this, then I don't know how else to explain it. I don't know what you will believe then. Is it ignorance on their part? I am not very smart and I can see how what they are doing is for the purpose of destroying the economy. This is a positive in their eyes. They want to push through their agenda and beliefs ahead of and before economic prosperity. Obama has said this numerous times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpSDBu35K-8
    This video shows that he is willingly to reduce government tax revenue for the purpose of fairness. HIS OWN WORDS. He is willingly to hurt everybody to push fairness. He is putting his agenda ahead of prosperity. Destroying our capitalist system is how they are going about creating their utopia. In their eyes destroying our economy is a good thing because it will lead to the realization of their utopia. They can not create their better economic system without first getting rid of the old. Just like with our hopes to restore the free market, we will have to destroy their utopia before we can restore the capitalism. People don't want their system as has been demonstrated--see 2nd link below and look at our health reform. The people didn't want health care so they forced it upon us. It will never be completely done away with--it will only be expanded as indicated by the history of every other government entitlement program. In their eyes, people are just too stupid to know what is best for them. So they must force their system on us. They are doing this by collapsing the system. Obama is smart. He know what he is doing. Amnesty[[I think there will be an American union in the future]] and cap and trade are coming too. If the people don't want it or they can not get the votes then they just side step everything. http://www.washingtontimes.com/weblogs/watercooler/2010/mar/27/legislating-law-obama-way/ Once these are in place they won't be gotten rid of. For example health care. Most people don't want it now but look at Europe. Most of the people at the time did not want it either but it still exists in these countries, France anyways. http://mises.org/daily/4205 Once the free money and benefits starts flowing, it won't stop until it runs out.
    This is human nature. I can bet you that people will not voluntarily or allow their benefits to be taken away. Would you allow your social security to be taken away after paying 12% of your income into it over the span of your life? How about your GI bill anyone?

    "Leaders can only lead if they are allowed to" They will manipulate the people who are allowing them to lead by forcing certain choice on people with external circumstances--look at the recent finical crises for one ex.

    How is Brown and Palin doing? Brown voted with the democrats on the jobs bill, or stimulus bill, and Palin was campaigning for Mcain. What is up with them?

    I think you have one dimensional or limited dimensional thinking. Or I either have tunnel vision with only one possibility being possible and that is growth of government. The more I read and learn and the more angles I approach the topic from, the more I am cemented in this belief. So I am not too limited in my dimensions.

  5. I am starting to become a radical thinker like you Dean. I really am filled with anger at just about every social benefit that I see handed out. Its especially disgusting at a community college. My friends make more money then I do and they are unemployed and going to school full time. Its amazing. I think that I am actually eligible to get some of the Pell Grant and other financial aid but I will not stoop to that level. I have to try to practice what I preach.

    Sorry, another tangent.

  6. You know one thing that we have failed to mention here on the blog about the new health care reform? They attached a little extra thing in the bill. The government has now taken over the student loan business. There are no private companies that can offer one. If you want or need a loan for school, you must go through the government. I guess you could just get a private loan? I don't know how the student loan business works. The government is rapidly consuming the private sector.

    I know what you are talking about on milking the system. Read this http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/11/us/11foodstamps.html In one of my classes a student was fretting the lost of welfare benefits. I could be using the hope scholarship to pay for school and then I could just be pocketing my GI bill. A retired Army person at work does this. I think the military are one class of people that feel as if they are special and entitled to extra benefits. Most military jobs, minus combat arms, are just an easy government position. Like Bud-D said, the military is very similar to a socialist system. O yeah, in 2009 47% of people will not pay any income taxes. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Nearly-half-of-US-households-apf-1105567323.html?x=0&.v=1
    The French guy Tocqueville talked about this. http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/index.html

    All these social benefits are designed to get people dependent on the government. They want people to look at the government as the sole provider of everyday necessities. If this is carried too far and the benefits run out, there will be a lot of angry people. Eventually all of these benefits will run dry as noted by other post that state the current debt level. The question is how will people react to this?

  7. ToeJamm, that is the kind of stand on Principle that needs to happen to pull out of this nosedive to Socialism. You do totally qualify for those grants. Most people, even most Conservatives, even myself, wouldn't hesitate a second to take advantage of them. But what are those grants? They're not free money. They're money someone else has paid in taxes being redistributed to you. Where does it say in the Constitution that taxpayers owe anyone a college education? Defense and facilitate commerce between the states I believe is the true mandate of the Federal government.

    We will be making progress when Congressmen can no longer gain polling points by bragging about bringing home the Pork (ie stealing money from other states for their own state). Her, the example of Dem Sen Ben Nelson being crucified by his home state of Nebraska for the 'Cornhusker Compromise' he worked out to buy his vote for Healthcare is a hopeful sign. When people understand that either taxes or insurance is taking money from some people and giving it to other people and punish their lawmakers for raising them, or from spending them on anything but the essentials.

  8. I was typing while listening in to a conference call, so that's why I've got some incomplete sentences in that response, but, you get my gist!
