Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sticking to Principle

After watching various speeches at CPAC, I have been pleasantly surprised that conservatives are sticking to principle. Most speeches are about restricting federal government, the constitution, and Christianity. I don't know how well this will be for the Republican party but it makes me happy that we are not adjusting to the left.

Good speech by Rand Paul. Go to minute 16 where he generalizes how the GOP needs to go if we want to win the right way. Until someone proves me wrong, I think Rand Paul is the best leader for this country.


  1. I'll take a look at it. Rand Paul is looking good. But there are a lot of good condenders right now.

  2. Believing that the republican party stands for limited government and placing our faith in them to fight for and bring about limited government is an old, outdated paradigm. It is time to wake up and to realize what is really going on. Don't be fooled by the latest side show.

  3. I don't think that there has ever been a politician who LED THE REPUBLICAN PARTY (see CPAC straw poll for Rand Paul's lead) and has had as much of a fiscal conservative policy in the last 20-30 years. What this post is about is that there is a new shift in the Republican party.

    It couldn't have been put better that the old Republican ways have become "old and moss covered". I think this illustrates a shift in the Republican party for good. 00139x compares today's young Republicans with the old ones. I am optimistic and I think that the new ones are going to be different. Tell me that Rand Paul is comparable to any other leading Republican in the last 20-30 years? Not gonna happen.

  4. If Rand Paul was a true reformer, he would be in a third party. Also he still talks about saving social security and other government programs like medicare etc. A true reformer would level with the America people and state that these programs are unsustainable and will have to be eliminate and that they are not compitable with a free society or free markets. Rand Paul is still speaking the language of the establishment and the status quo. When the America people are ready for the truth and are willing to listen to an honest person about the situation of the nation, then I will have a change of view on the direction America is headed. I like a lot of what he says, but I am also realistic.
