Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Great Lessons From History

How did the German nation become enraptured with Hitler and end up following him to their destruction: millions of Germans dead, two million German women raped, and the literal destruction of their country? Surely we that are living today could never end up making the same mistake. The German people were completely different from us and they were barbarians. It would be comfortable for us living today to believe this, but Hayek noted in The Road To Serfdom that:
Probably it is true that the very magnitude of the outrages committed by the totalitarian governments, instead of increasing the fear that such a system might one day arise in more enlightened countries, has rather strengthened the assurance that it cannot happen here. When we look to Nazi Germany, the gulf which separates us seems s immense that nothing that happens there can posses relevance for any possible development here. And the fact that the difference has steadily become greater seems to refute any suggestion that we may be moving in a similar direction. But let us not forget that fifteen years ago the possibility of such a thing's happening in Germany would have appeared just as fantastic, not only t nine-tenths of the Germans themselves, but also to the most hostile foreign observers (however wise they may now pretend to have been).

The German civilization was advanced as noted in Modern Times:
Wiemar was a 'Western' republic. It stood for civilization rather than culture: civilization was in office, culture in opposition. It is no coincidence, either, that German civilization reached its gaudiest flowering during the 1920s, when Germany, for a brief period, became the word-centre of ideas and art.[...] Germany was by far the best-educated nation in the world--as long ago as the late eighteenth century it had passed the 50 per cent literacy mark.[...]

In the Weltbuhne, the smartest and most telling of the new journals, sexual freedom and pacifism were exalted, the army, the state, the university, the Church and, above all, the comfortable, industrious middle classes, were savaged and ridiculed.

The German people were ravaged by economic depression and were desperate for a savior.

The German people were no different than we were today. So given the same set of circumstance that they found themselves--economic ruin--in what would make one believe that we would react differently? Here two good episodes from the History Channel and the Military Channel about the rise of the Third Reich and Germany's fatal attraction to Hitler. They are about three hours in total, but they are worth watching in bits and pieces when you have time. The rise of Nazis Germany and totalitarianism in general is nothing new throughout human history. The same conditions that gave rise to Nazism will be present in the not-too-distance future here. The same thing will happen again, although in a modified form. So the lessons learned from these videos will be worth learning for all peoples and nations.


  1. Very good points, Jeff. Couple that with racial and class warfare, and you're good to go. That's our current Dear Leader in a nutshell.

    However, see my very early article "The Beatles, Totalitarianism, & The Great Depression: Part 2" about the role the monopoly of mass communication by The State had in the development of the totalitarian cults of personality in the 20th century. That monoloply is to a large extent broken and that is the one difference that I think would make the rise of a new totalitarian state in America a lot more difficult.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think there are some similarities between Obama and Hitler such as being charismatic, a great speaker, and having a "sort of God-like thing" going on; but I do not think that Obama is a Hitler. I think he is more Bismarck that created the German welfare state that in turn contributed to creating the conditions that gave rise to Hitler.

    The government has the power to assume monopolistic power of the media and to assume control of the internet in a national emergency. This came about as the result of the very real cyber and terrorist threats that America faces. And the very same cultural/philosophic trends and general cultural rot that created the conditions that gave rise to Hitler are present in our culture today.

    Totalitarianism will be here in America sometime during my lifetime. A look at the global economic situation makes that clear. It won't necessarily be the brutal totalitarianism that was in the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. It will be the totalitarianism with a smiley face that will be "exercised for the good of its victims" much like the despotism that Tocqueville talked about.

    When this totalitarianism arrives it won't appear to be some hideous-brutal monster, but it will instead appear as a savior. There will be a short period of peace, prosperity, excitement, and people will be in the streets having orgasms much like the German people experienced during the period after Hitler took power. Everybody's economic troubles will be taken care of. The vast majority of people will be caught up in the whole event. The documentaries above give a good example of this.

    In the economy

    And social security will be running dry by 2033 three years earlier than forecasted
    There is nothing being done nor nothing that can politically be done to avert this. How will people respond when they have the base of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs cut out from under them. The same way that people in the past who experienced a similar situation did.


    Where the hell is Al Sharpton now?

  5. Al Sharpton is a race pimp and a clown that goes around trying to stir up racial division.

    There is a lot of stuff happening in Europe that will have a significant on America and the global economy. One of them being a catalyst for further inflation by the Fed and the ECB.

    And I thought this was interesting

  6. There are definitely some close similarities to Hitler's rise and the situation of our country today.

    I don't think that a total take over of the government will come as quickly as it was able to back then. There will have to be more deceptive tactics. Bud-D's observation about communications is one reason that the atrocities would not be able to take place so easily.

  7. Their won't be that much need for deceptive tactics. People will deceive themselves and will gladly accept government takeover. Look at how the government has taken over the financial sector due to the crisis. People/institutions gladly accepted it. It wasn't viewed as an oppressive government taking over something. When totalitarianism appears, it won't appear as some oppressive horrible mass murdering system to the vast majority of people. Look at how Hitler appeared to the German people. All of your economic troubles will be solved: your debts will be forgiven, economic prosperity will have arrived, you will be able to feed your family, you will have a job, there will be peace, and best of all all of the uncertainty and chaos will be gone. Utopia/nirvana/heaven will have arrived. People will be orgasmic and will gladly put the yoke of tyranny on. There will be no need for deceptive tactics. The system will appeal to the best within us. Like the environmental movement appeals to our desire to save the planet.

    If you don't know how totalitarianism appears then you won't see it when it arrives and you will jump on the bandwagon and allow yourself to be rapped by the system. That is a sad way to end up. Look at the 2 Million German women that were rapped due to the defeat of Germany.

    The economic conditions in Europe are giving rise to fringe political parties. A neo-nazi party recently won 7% of the vote in Greece:

    I found a cool blog
    The Euro according to them will be breaking up

    I think before the Euro or the EU breaks up they will try to do everything possible to prevent this as the economic consequences would be very disruptive and as the recent elections have shown the Europeans have no stomach for ausrity or tough times. They will try inflating their way out which will damage the world economy.
