Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Join me brothers! The time is now!

It has been known for a while that Romney will likely be the republican nominee. After winning Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island on Tuesday, he is definitely going head to head with Obama.

Friends, we need to rally behind him. Just like this lucky recruit in the picture, we need to get motivated. Romney may not be the answer to our problems but he certainly will be the lesser of two evils.Grass root initiatives could be the decider in this election. We need to do what we can in motivating ourselves and our peers to get the word out that Obama needs to be defeated. It is imperative for the future of America. Get motivated! Speak out! Talk to people and get the word out that Obama is not the answer! If you can change one swing voter then you've done your job.

I think I can get my entire Pizza Hut store to vote for Romney. There might be five out of seventeen that do not vote, but the rest will vote for Romney based on the motivation that I have done in the store.

"We are still masters of our fate. We are still captains of our souls."-Churchill


  1. I'm with you ToeJamm!
    I think it was Patton who said, "You go to the ballot box with the candidate you have".

    This really is a line in the sand. Apres November, la deluge. Or something like that.

  2. What would realistically be different between an Obama or Romney Presidency? The only difference in policies I have been able to find is one likes Labor Unions while the other likes Big Business, but on every other issue of importance they are the same Ideology. If you can spare 10:28 in time to review this youtube of the two candidates positions and tell me there will honestly be a difference in how this country will be ran; I'd be opened to evaluation of these "supposed" contrasts that will "make a difference".


    With reference to your image up there, I think this retired Marine Major states in under 2min how I feel about the process (should be obvious).


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would really love to see Obama defeated. I think he is destroying America as it was founded--the old must be washed away to "fundamentally transform America. He is a communist. This is obvious if you looked at who raised him, the people he has surrounded himself with in the White House, and he own words and actions. I think he has been one of the top 4 presidents that have done the most to transform this nation to a system that is opposite and opposed to how this country was founded. I think he is a disaster for free markets, limited government, and freedom in general. If he is to have 4 more unaccountable years, the last blow on the nail--yes the last nail is in place waiting to be hammered in--in America's coffin will have been struck.

    Having Obama defeated should be a cut and dry choice with no hesitance and no doubt in one's mind. There should be no questions. But it is not so cut and dry and this is a difficult choice. This should not be the case. I really believe that Romney being nominated as the Republican candidate is a pivotal moment and should be a wake up call to those that can see. The fact that it was the Republican establishment and the Tea Party politicians that were pushing for his nomination and supporting him before it was obvious or guaranteed to become the nominee speaks volumes about who the Republican establishment and even the Tea Party people are. One of the major motivation behind the establishment of the Tea Party of Obamacare, and here they are supporting the candidate that crafted, implemented, and steadfastly and unwaveringly stands by the precursor/template/ to Obamacare. I don't understand this. This is the hallmark, the crowing jewel, the capstone of socialism and communism. Was the Tea Party established for nothing. Did those Tea Party rallies mean nothing? What were they for?

    I really hate and despise the notion of giving up and being a looser and a bitch that cry about things. I think you should continue the fight until you you are completely dead and never give up. When people are confronted with a disaster or catastrophe, the people that survive are the ones that are quick to realize the situation they are in and to man up and face reality and adapt. Like the Jews in the Nazi camps: after being rounded up and hauled off to the camps in cattle cars to the concentration camps and having all of their possessions taken from them after being stripped naked and having all of their hair shaved off and told to go stand in a line. Some would ask "when will we see our families again?". The Jews that survived said to those Jews "You dumb idiots do you not know where you are? You are in a concentration camp. You see those smoke stacks over there? That is where your family is". These were the Jews that survived. Likewise it is those that face reality and man up that adapt and ultimately survive tough situations. I think the fight and the battle field has moved and is no longer in the realm of politics. Yeah you should seek out good candidates and support them, but that is not going to change the long term situation. I really believe that America has no choice in the direction that it is headed. There is really no clearer sign as to what is going on and where things are headed than this one event, let alone looking at this event through the prism of the larger picture. I don't really know what to say.

    I can really understand your choice and desire to support Romney. If that is what you feel is the right thing to do, then I won't question that. America still has a few good years and a few more massive ups and downs left. But you shouldn't take your eye off of the long term picture. If Romney looses, it will definitely be time for a third party.
