Saturday, May 19, 2012

Best Argument for Capitalism

The best argument for something is results.  The German magazine Spiegel has a series of photos of places in East Germany taken immediately after the fall of the Berlin wall and then some period later of the same sites.  The changes are astounding.  I think there's no doubt, looking at these photos, that the people's prosperity and happiness have both been greatly improved by the advent of capitalism in East Germany, even if the East Germans have been half-hearted in their embrace of the opportunity to prosper.  Also, keep in mind that East Germany was considered to have the highest standard of living of the countries controlled by the Soviet Union.


  1. Those pictures present a sharp contrast between two economic systems. A much broader theme that these pictures help to illustrate is that communism/socialism/central planning is anti-life. Around 100 million people have been systematically slaughtered by communism. And over in China, which the left here in America want to emulate, has allowed a Chinese dissident to come here to America. The crime he committed was daring to legally represent women who were victims of forced sterilizations and abortions.

    The sad thing is that capitalism is dead and does not exist anymore. The last remaining semi-capitalist economies are rapidly imploding and central planning/socialism/communism is on the rise the globe over.

    The benefits to mankind that capitalism have to offer are obvious and clear. Why then is it a hated and despised economic system? Why has our eduction inculcated in the American people a hatred for capitalism to the point where they go around spouting communist slogans? Why did the American people elect a communist president and why after 3 years in office does he still have the support of close to half of the America people? The point being that this and many other examples of the superiority of capitalism will fall on deaf ears.

  2. I can't believe some of the "before" pictures were taken in the 90's.
