ToeJamm posted an article rallying the troops to swallow the problems inherent with backing a candidate responsible for RomneyCare. jeff00139x opposed, then grudgingly acquiesced to steeling himself to fill in the dot for Romney. I'm not sure where KP is on this, but feel certain it's not an easy choice for him. Melkor, I think is happy with Romney. I could not believe that Republicans would choose to remove the most significant arrow in their quiver in their fight to overthrow Obama, but, understand that Obama must be overthrown regardless, and see numerous other hefty arrows left.
Well, the guys at the Powerline blog, who oppose RomneyCare and are generally very conservative, have posted an article in response to liberal douchebag EJ Dionne, pointing out why there are critical differences between RomneyCare and ObamaCare that make it not impossible for a conservative to not be a hypocrite for supporting Romney while opposing ObamaCare. This won't make you pleased as punch for Romney, just allow you to explain your apparent hypocrisy.
Read the article for the details, but their main points:
- Constitutionality: Conservatives rightly challenge ObamaCare on Constitutional grounds. RomneyCare is at the state level where there are no constitutional issues.
- Affordability: Massachusetts could afford RomneyCare, America can't afford ObamaCare. Says Powerline,
Taxes were not increased and funds were not “borrowed” to pay for Romneycare. This is not true of Obamacare.- Regulatory Oppression: ObamaCare is a 2000 page document, RomneyCare comes in at 70 pages. Says Powerline,
In Massachusetts, insurance companies were not, effectively, placed under government control, nor did Massachusetts become the default health care provider in that state.This is not to say that Conservatives should applaud RomneyCare. This is to say that is does not appear to violate the Constitution, it appears to be an affordable act that Massachewtions :) wanted, and it does not overwhelm the private enterprises providing these services in the state with regulations.