Thursday, November 18, 2010

Some News That Point Towards A Future Economic Degringolade.

I am doing a short post on two videos I found interesting about QE 2 and the European economic situation and an interesting poll about Americans' views on the viability of marriage. (The first two videos are worth a watch while the other links aren't as interesting but they are informative.) I came across this interesting animated video from the Ludwig Von Mises Institute's website that is about the recent Federal Reserve decision to purchase 600 billion more dollars of assets which is known as QE 2. It is a short and humorous overview of QE 2.

It looks like there is still a lot of economic and social troubles going on in the EU. This is a good video that is a warning for America to not go down the same socialist economic path that Europe has. Sadly America is headed towards this situation. One question I have with all of these strikes going on over in the EU is when election time comes around for these various nations will these people vote the officials in office who will continue to make the necessary spending cuts and the other hard changes?

And on the subject of the EU, Ireland will possibly be needing a bailout from the EU and the IMF. Ireland is reluctant to receive a bailout as it will threaten their sovereignty and will possibly force them to give up their low corporate tax rate because the other EU nations will not want to be giving Ireland bailout money which will allow Ireland to maintain its low corporate tax rate. Ireland's low tax rate attracts capital and businesses away from other EU nations. I have read that Ireland does not have a lot of natural resources and its low cooperate tax rate is very important to its economy as it is its main way to attract capital which makes up for the nation's lack of natural resources. And according to Financial Times, as a result of Ireland's banking crisis,"'four of the five domestic lenders are set to be state owned, with only Bank of Ireland in the short term likely to remain outside the grasp of state ownership'". From looking at this fact, and what resulted from the similar situation in America, it appears that these various economic problems coalesce economic functions that were once performed by the private sector in to the hands of the government. If being bailed out is something that has to happen and is a good thing, why would Ireland be quick to deny the need for a bailout and reluctant to receive one? It appears as if there are strings that are attached to this bailout money which results in a loss of sovereignty as evident in the concerns being voiced by Ireland. Of course the PIIGS nations probably should lose some of their sovereignty since they are threatening the stability of the greater EU. The only question is if the broader EU governing body will be able to bring about more prudent economic policy to these PIIGS nations and the greater EU. Bailing out these nations don't force the necessary and painful structural changes to occur as they allow for halfway measures to be implemented in the place of the necessary ones which means they have the effect of kicking the can down the road. These troubled nations, PIIGS, are making changes but it is yet to be seen if they are the necessary structural changes or just half way measures, from what I have read and seen from various commentary on business shows the latter scenario appears to be the case especially in the case of Greece. It is evident from the various protest occurring in Greece and even France that the measures so far taken to address these economic problems are very unpopular. If necessary changes were to have happened then these bailouts would not have been needed, but then there would have been a collapse of these economies that would have spread to the greater EU and that would have probably brought about social instability. Hopefully, the EU will be better able to handle such a situation when and if such a situation happens at a later date. Note that America could soon be facing a situation similar to the EU's as many of its states will probably require a bail out in the coming year[s], California being one example. It still appears as if the EU and the world is headed towards a future economic degringolade.

And here is an interesting article for those who think that the stock market is back to where it was in 2008, "Adjusted for inflation (as per the Bureau of Labor Statistics), the Dow would have to reach 13,570 to equal the 'purchasing power' value of Dow 11,000 in 2001. ($1 in 2001 equals $1.23 in 2010.)"

And there was an interesting poll that found that there is an increase in the number of people who thing that marriage is becoming obsolete.
Nearly four in 10 Americans think marriage is becoming obsolete, according to a new survey that reveals changing attitudes on gay marriage, unwed couples and the definition of what a family is.[...]Among the biggest changes in Americans' attitude toward marriage was the number of those who now believe the institution is becoming obsolete. Thirty-nine percent of respondents said they believe that's the case, compared with 28 percent who said that when Time magazine asked the same question in 1978. [...]Some 86 percent of respondents said they consider a single parent and child to be a family, and 80 percent said unmarried couples living together with children are families. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) said they think a gay or lesbian couple raising a child constitutes a family. But even though a majority (88 percent) think a childless married couple is a family, a similar majority thinks a childless unmarried couple is not.

I found this interesting because the traditional family is the foundation of our society and this one of the reason that those who wish to change our society, mostly the Left, promote anything that will help destroy it: gay marriage, cultural themes that run throughout popular culture like music and that promote single motherhood and that having a kid outside of marriage is acceptable, a government that helps replace the need for a father and the traditional family with welfare, and etc. I was also reading the "Communist Manifesto" where it states that the destruction of the traditional family will be necessary to bring about the Revolution of the Proletariat,
Abolition [Aufhebung] of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution. The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.

This is a couple of little news bits that I found interesting and relevant. They don't necessarily mean that some future decline in the situation of the world will occur, but they do point one to look in that direction.


  1. I saw the Marriage Poll as well. Not surprising, but not a good thing. Luckily, most still do think marriage is a valuable thing. Stark evidence from the old Communist countries shows that devaluing the family results in demographic disaster.

    Regarding Europe, things are proceeding precisely as I have foreseen (he says in evil Star Wars emperor voice).

  2. Degringolade= "a rapid decline or deterioration (as in strength, position, or condition): downfall".

    What is sad about America is that it is already at the point that Europe is in several instances as noted in the video above: about half of Americans don't pay federal income taxes, one in six Americans are receiving government assistance, many Americans think that they have a right to and deserve government benefits, and etc. America has reached the fat, dumb, happy, and forgetful stage of its existence. The producers in America have been overtaken by the moochers or leaches. Europe is on the decline and the only thing that will reverse this trend is a major cultural revolution. I don't see that happening.

    On marriage, the government is replacing the need for the institution of marriage by replacing the need for a father or the family unit with all of these welfare benefits. I have seen this 1st hand. To see where our Culture and Country are headed all you have to do is do some channel surfing on T.V. to see the cultural rot that is present as most people get their world view, their basically held beliefs, attitudes towards politics and morality, and etc through popular culture: T.V., music, books, and the arts.. And to see the effects that this has on people just take a look around at the average person's beliefs. Some of the stuff I see is disgusting and scary. Marxist political philosophy and propaganda has already infected a large segment of our culture.

  3. I blame all the baby boomers. All the vets came home from their many wars and preached peace to their children (baby boomers). Now it is the boomers children's job to clean things up. But we are pretty lazy ourselves. Grunge music and the emergence of gangster rap did not help us. Maybe Muse can pull our generation to the next level.

  4. Help us Muse, you're our only hope!

  5. I thought 'degringolade' was a removal of gringos, as is happening in the southwest United States.

    Looking at those quotes from the Communinist Manifesto, it's ironic that their prescription for child raising brought their own system down rather than those bourgoise capitalists. Nice one Karl!

  6. Yeah, degringolade came way out of left field.

  7. I don't understand how you can live in Atlanta.

  8. Degringolade was a title to a chapter in a history I read. It covered the world depression that led up to WW II, most notably the socialist economic policies that were carried out in America by Hoover and Roosevelt. How is that left field?

    Karl Marx did appear to get an historical trend correct: that capitalism would eventually collapse and lead to a world wide communist, not necessarily Stalin-like communism, revolution as we are witnessing before our eyes. Although capitalism did not fail as the result of any inherent flaw of its own. A large part of its failure had to do with the infiltration of free Western nations by communist thought that entered in to the university system or more broadly the education system and filtered down to the broader culture through the medium of popular culture, as mentioned above, and of course simple human nature helped bring it down. I like the language that is used to describe communism: a spectre which has interesting connotations. Marx was correct when he stated that capitalism would break down barriers to international trade and create a world wide system of trade or a global economy, I got this from reading "The World Is Flat" that quoted Marx's manifesto.

    Rock music is not the Rock that will save us. I think rock music is of the other rock. I don't see how rocking out will lead to or make the necessary cultural changes that must occur to reverse the current trends. That will require something much deeper.

  9. I disagree. I think that hard rock will definitely solve everything.
