Sunday, November 14, 2010

Major Success for Obama - Wall Street Journal

via Hot Air: The Wall Street Journal reports
Has there ever been a major economic summit where a U.S. President and his Treasury Secretary were as thoroughly rebuffed as they were at this week's G-20 meeting in Seoul? We can't think of one. President Obama failed to achieve any of his main goals while getting pounded by other world leaders for failing U.S. policies and lagging growth.
That's how the article starts. They don't back off in the rest of the article as they dish out a savage pounding to Obama.  I won't link the myriad articles that say how smart Obama is (without offering any concrete evidence), but if he really is as smart as they say he is, then he must be humiliating himself (as the President of the United States) and his country on purpose.  If that is his purpose: to massively redistribute wealth from wealth producers to wealth consumers in America, and from America to the rest of the world, and destroy America's standing in the world, he's doing a marvelous job. 

The world also rejected Mr. Geithner's high-profile call for a 4% limit on a nation's trade surplus or deficit, which would amount to new political controls on trade and capital flows. This contradicts at least three decades of U.S. policy advice against national barriers to the flow of money and goods. We don't like to see U.S. Treasury Secretaries so completely shot down by the rest of the world, except when they are so clearly misguided.

A major 'Read the whole thing' article.  I don't feel like doing in-depth writing right now.  But, also check out the Hot Air link.  They juxtapose the WSJ article (of course the capitalist pigs hate him) with a similar article criticizing him almost as harshly in the San Franscisco Chronicle.  Good times.  Though not for our country.


  1. The pictures are very informative.

    Bud-D, "If that is his purpose: to massively redistribute wealth from wealth producers to wealth consumers in America, and from America to the rest of the world, and destroy America's standing in the world, he's doing a marvelous job." I read another article about this that is worth a read.
    "All this would be enough to explain the disillusionment with this president—and with the Democratic Party that he leads. But there is also a deeper disjunction. There is an "otherness" about Mr. Obama, the sense that he is somehow not truly American. "Birthers" doubt that he was born on American soil. Others believe that he is secretly a Muslim, or in quiet simpatico with his old friends, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, now icons of American radicalism."

    "But Barack Obama is not an "other" so much as he is a child of the 1960s. His coming of age paralleled exactly the unfolding of a new "counterculture" American identity. And this new American identity—and the post-1960s liberalism it spawned—is grounded in a remarkable irony: bad faith in America as virtue itself, bad faith in the classic American identity of constitutional freedom and capitalism as the way to a better America. So Mr. Obama is very definitely an American, and he has a broad American constituency. He is simply the first president we have seen grounded in this counterculture American identity. When he bows to foreign leaders, he is not displaying "otherness" but the counterculture Americanism of honorable self-effacement in which America acknowledges its own capacity for evil as prelude to engagement."

    This article's headline is "Global Trade War Feared" as a result of the past G-20 meeting. "A dispute over whether China and the United States are manipulating their currencies is threatening to resurrect destructive protectionist policies like those that worsened the Great Depression. The biggest fear is that trade barriers will send the global economy back into recession."

    I don't know if Obama's performance in this instance is by design or if he is just simply not a great leader. But I do think it is clear from his other policies and their effects that it is clear that he definitely wants to "humble" America and atone for its past sins.

    Also the article mentions the "Debt Commission" that is a total rip off that is designed to make a larger government the norm.

  2. On the Debt Commission from Rush Limbaugh which uses the above article,

    "This thing is a blueprint for the expansion of government and codifying it as law, at 22%, when we've never spent that, up until Obama shows up. That's one side of this. "The more important problem is on the revenue side. According to OMB figures, federal revenues have never reached 21% of GDP. That's what they are targeted to be in this initial report that came out yesterday. In fact, only in Bill Clinton's final year in office and during World War II did revenues even exceed 20% of GDP. During the whole time from 1960 to 2008, federal tax revenues almost always fell between 17 and 19% of GDP, only occasionally rising above 19%, chiefly in Clinton's second term or below 17%, George W. Bush's first term."
    "Look, there's a lot of numbers here. The bottom line is federal spending has never been as high as what this deficit commission report suggests, and federal taxes have never been as high as what this deficit commission report suggests. This is a trick, and it's got all the Reagan language in there and it's got all the stuff that sucks our side into saying, "Ohh, yeah, we'll look at this." You got the left not liking it because they don't like the ratio of 75% spending cuts and 25% tax cuts, but there isn't any cutting! It's just like every year of the federal budget: There's nothing being cut here. Taxes, spending, zilch. It's all going up to unprecedented levels in our history and be that's the truth about this."

    "But the thing that these two guys presented yesterday locks in federal spending at levels that we've never reached other than during anomalies, and federal tax levels that we've never had. Forget everything else you know about it. The report yesterday locks in the concept of an ever expanding government. It does not change one premise. It does not suggest reforming, repealing, getting rid of health care. Now, if you're in part of a deficit reduction panel and you don't even talk about the health care bill, you are not serious. This thing locks in the Nanny State. This thing locks in socialism. Here's Anthony Weiner last night on PMSNBC. "Anybody gonna like this plan? Anybody?"

  3. Jeff, I liked that article by Steele. It's cool to see something written by such a respected person as Steele is and be able to say that I came up to the same conclusions as him almost all by myself. The only thing is, I can't explain what I believe as well as he can.

    The part where he says that Obama is truly American is something that I have felt for a long time. He is not the traditional and successfull American that we are used to though.

  4. Yeah, I agree too. Well, raised by a counterculture parent who thought it a good idea to have her son spend a significant part of his childhood in Indonesia, a very un-(not anti-) American place, and Hawaii, probably the least American state.

    Yeah, the new, definitely bold, bipartisan budget plan is worth a good post once we figure it out. Even if it's not the right answer, it's a better starting point than I figured they'd come up with.

  5. I heard an interesting point about what is being called Obama's failure to get any agreements passed like the trade agreement with South Korea and how they were rebuffed. If Obama did not think that he was going to achieve something such as a trade agreement or the new trade deficit limitations, a typical President would not have attended without having a deal already guaranteed because without that he would have dimished his stature.

    "Obama thinks he's gaining favor in the world by running around apologizing for us, apologizing for our transgressions, apologizing for our superpower status, apologizing for all of the evil and all the immoral, unjust actions that the United States has taken. He thinks he's gaining favor with people, and what he's actually doing is diminishing not just the country but himself as well. And that could not be more accurate. It's evidenced by his utter failure at this G20. Never do you go on such a prominent, publicized meeting like this without some concrete deal already agreed to in advance. You don't go to a major meeting like this and subject yourself to potential embarrassment and humiliation, and it's exactly what happened. He took it on the chin on virtually every agreement that he tried to hammer out."

    On Obama being the 1st President to be grounded in the 60's counterculture, this shows how the fruits of that cultural revolution, whose effects are still present, can impact a nation and how that culture can help determine where a nation is headed. "The Closing of The American Mind" is a good book on culture.

    And on the Debt Commission, this quote from above seems to sum it up in that it will basically make a larger government as quantified by government spending being at 22% of GDP the new norm. It is increasing the baseline or norm of government.

  6. Regarding subjecting himself to potential failure and humiliation, remember the Copenhagen Climate Change conference. That's where his habit of humiliating himself and his country first became apparent. He either is clueless or he want's it, or he doesn't care. Those are the three choices. Liberals, which one is it? None of those answers should be an option for a President.
