Sunday, August 22, 2010

How many will die?

So we are just sitting back and allowing this guy to build nuclear reactors and Klingon looking airplanes. (Ahmadinejad)
I have a feeling that as long as this guy is in power that a war with the west is inevitable. I could easily be way wrong. After all, Kim Jong and Castro have the same feeling and they both seem to be withering away. I hope Iran is just another Cuba and N Korea. Someone to keep an eye on but no real threat.


  1. I don't know much about this so I will just state what I know on this subject. We all must die! At least according to Ahmadinejad. America and Israel are satan in his eye's and he has declared that he will wipe Israel off the map. He is also a holocaust denier. I have read that Ahmadinejad belongs to an extreme version of Islam that believes that the arrival of the 12th Iman(?), their prophet, is about to happen; but before he can arrive Israel and America must be destroyed--I 1st heard this on Glen Beck and I pulled this article up so I don't know if it is true that Ahmadinejad actually believes this or if he is just saying that he want's to destroy American and Israel just to cement his power.

    I know the recent nuclear reactor that was made possible by massive Russian help can be used to eventually make nuclear weapons. Russia has gave Obama the middle finger. They say it is only for electricity but they also say they are developing weapons like the one above. I have also read that this could just be an empty claim as there is no way to know if they really have this weapon.

    I know that President Obama does not like America and would like to see a weaker America and he does not like Israel. I know that he has been very weak with Iran and North Korea. I might be naive, but it might be because he knows there are already 2 wars going on in that region of the world and Obama might know a lot more than we do about Iran's true intentions or capabilities and this is why he is doing nothing. So maybe there is really no threat and even if there was I don't know if Obama would be willingly to do anything about it other than ask to talk with Iran and continue to send NASA over to the Middle East to try and win some friends. (Americans need to accept the fact that they elected a President that hates the Country and who wants to bring about transformative change.) Yet I know that the Iranian regime is unpopular with its people and that there is a possiblity to bring about a regime change from within. But that will be hard to do with sanctions because of Russia and China not going along. I know that a while back during all of the protest in Iran that Obama did not give an public support to the people of Iran, he was silent. So I don't know if Obama wants to do this.

  2. I don't know how Israel will accept a nuclear Iran as all it would take is 1 nuclear attack to do some very serious damage to Israel due to its small size.

    I don't really know if Iran having nukes would really be a threat that Iran will launch a nuclear war. The only threat is them giving nuclear weapons and know how to terrorist. One little blast will be acceptable to our leaders and the world. I know Iran is supply insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran knows that if it attacks someone they will be destroyed. I think they will eventually get nuclear weapons and the world will just have to deal with it. I think all of the major nations having nuclear weapons forces nations to come together and makes an all out war unlikely as there will be no winner in a nuclear war. I honestly don't see a nuclear war a real possiblity in our lifetimes. There is already war that has been going on for the past 100 hundred years to bring about the destruction of America from within by cultural rot, watch T.V. and talk to the average America and visit some schools to see what American's are being brainwashed into believing. The real threat to nations surviving as they are now is in the structure of the world economy. This will be the main medium through which transformative change will occur the the world order.

    So overall I don't really know too much

  3. It's hard to say what the right response is. If I were an Israeli, I would be very worried. I think the Western governments are hoping and praying that the Iranian theocracy collapses, but they've weathered a number of crises from the significant number of relatively liberal people in that country and clung to power. I think one thing we've seen with, as you say, N Korea and Cuba, is that it is very possible for a brutal dictatorship to impoverish their country and keep it under control, rather than being overwhelmed by the protests of the people. Iran seems to be doing that too.

    I personally would like to see a raid by the US or Israel to knock out their nuclear facilities, but there's certainly a good other side to that argument. And the example of N Korea, which sits there as a pathetic but significant threat until the Kim regime collapses is in a sense, heartening. Scary things about Iran is that they do produce a significant resource (oil) and can threaten other producers of that resource, as well as the amount of funding they give to terrorists groups.

    I think that Ahmedinijad is mostly using his apocolyptic statements to cow his population, keeping them under control by playing up external threats. This is a typical ploy of dictators. But because of Iran's location, this becomes very serious business for everyone else too.

    FYI: My computer will be out-of-service at home at least until Friday, so no significant posting or commenting from me until then.

  4. I think Iran and Israel will have some sort of conflict. Iran has been too blunt about their intentions of destroying Israel. If Iran starts peddling nuclear weapons to little dirka dirkas then Israel and America will get fucked. We cannot allow that to happen. If it does, then we can all look at Obama and spit on him.

  5. That was a stupid name for the post.
