Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Accurate Billboard Removed

This billboard was removed from an Iowa city this month. The Northern Iowa Tea Party put it up. There was public outcry saying that it shouldnt compare Hitler. I think the billboard is fairly accurate. I have no problem with it. What do RTP's think? Mean or accurate? Or both?
This is the article that I found it on.


  1. I would like to motion for John Connolly to be removed from being a contributor. He has never put up a post and it is not fair to all the readers who would be contributors if they only new somebody that knows somebody.

    All in favor?

  2. I did not realize he was on the blog.

    It may be an uncomfortable thing and a bad move for the Tea Party's image to compare Obama to those two guys above, but it is actually more accurate than incorrect. There is no doubt that Obama ascribes to Marxist political philosophy: just look at his own words and speeches and look at the beliefs of the people he surrounds himself with. On Obama being more like Hitler, if you take away the racial aspect, maybe see below, and the desire for territorial gain of Hitler's worldview, there is actually a lot in common between the National socialist or Nazis and today's left: national health care, environmentalism, a fusion of big business and government, etc, read "Liberal Fascism". Even though there are some similarities, putting up this billboard makes the Tea Party look stupid. They should be smarter.

    On the racial aspect, Obama believes in black liberation theology. Look at his previous pastor who he found Christ under, Wright. (His new pastor is a self admitted Marxist.) Look that up to see the racism. And look at the black panther that the Obama's justice department has dropped charges against for voter intimidation that was caught on tape. Also look at this very same person's view on white people.
    Also look at William Ayers who planned to kill millions of white people.

    So Obama's justice department dropped charges against a black man for standing out side of a polling place with a stick intimidating voters and who happens to want to kill white babies. Imagine if this were a KK member that a republican dropped charges against. Obama definitly views white people as a problem and the ones responsible for the oppression of people of color. He is here to punish the evil white people and to return the wealth back to where it belongs: with the non producers.

  3. Alright Toejamm, he's your friend & Jeff's. If you want him out, he's out. We'll give him a day to post or get deleted. But, if John wants to participate again in the future, that would be great.

  4. Regarding the sign, I think that's a little harsh for a billboard, and does paint the Tea Party as radicals. It would be a great cartoon though!

    Was Hitler a Socialist? Yes. Was Lenin a Socialist? Yes. Is Obama a Socialist? Yes. But so was Francois Mitterand, the great French Premier in the '80s, who is certainly not a mass-murdering thug or promoter of an international communism. So was, oh, I'm winging it here, Indira Ghandi. Jesus too probably.

    As bad as Obama is, he's no mass-murdering thug. Racist? Yes. Murderer? No. Also, I think he does appreciate Capitalists, as Hitler did, as producers of wealth he can use to generate wealth so he can redistribute it. He's going to end up killing the producers if things keep going, but I don't seriously think he wants to destory the producers. He just wants to redistribute as much as he possibly can.

    So, too harsh for a billboard, but OK for a blog or a cartoon. My opinion.

  5. Ghandi was a freak. Jesus was no socialist. Socialism is the exact opposite of what Jesus stood for. Socialism is a way for the non producers to leach off of the producers. Socialism denies the very laws of nature, especially human nature. That is why socialism and communism tries to create the "New Man" or change God's laws and creation. People that won't carry their own load and don't accept the laws of the universe, to include the more obscure ones of ethics and human nature, won't be around for long.

    Yeah most socialist may be ignorant and have good intentions, but socialist like Obama and cultural "tides" or certain themes that are present in culture that help to program the minds of the average person if unchecked create the conditions that lead to people like Hitler. Socialism is a half-way house to communism. Don't look at the intentions, look at the results. I don't think Obama is one of the ignorant ones. The world has been following socialist economic policy for the past 60 or so years.
