Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A few good links: "A global socialist vehicle" and an in-your-face conservative.

I found these two videos interesting. According to Glenn Beck the global economy will collapse and some global cabal of governments will come along and promise to fix things by taking us in a new-global-socialist direction, or something to that effect. Glenn Beck in the link below makes this point. The world's economy--the EU, America, and China to name a few--has some serious fundamental-structural weaknesses that are leading to a major world-wide economic downturn. The fact is that the world is interconnected--globalization--and this economic downturn will lead to a united-global effort to deal with the downturn, and this global effort will lead to more socialism or what ever you want to call it. The more I read, the more I am convinced that this will be the case.

Merkel said over the weekend that with the rescue package 'we have done nothing more than to buy time until we have brought order to these competitive differences and to the budget deficits of individual euro countries.'

Buying time for what, exactly?

The worst is not behind us. This is a trillion-dollar stall tactic.

It'd be like if your car broke down and it would cost double the value of the car to save it. Would you do it? Of course not. Unless, the dealer promised you a trade in a few weeks down the road. That's what they are doing — except they haven't told you what the trade in will be. I'll spare you the suspense: It's going to be a Yugo. A global socialist vehicle that's nothing like what we have. It's coming and quickly.

I was watching something on the history channel about the little ice age that was between 1300-1850--how could the climate change without man burning fossil fuels?--and it was interesting that people refused to adapt by planting and eating potatoes that were suited to the colder climate because of the belief that it was evil and a lot of people starved because of this. They did not decide to plant this below-ground crop on a large scale until invaders came and started burning their above ground cereal crops. The point being that people refuse to change and adapt in face of great change. This is a large scale example of the 10-80-10 rule.

Here is Governor Chris Christie answering a question with frankness and candor--well worth the two and a half minutes. There need to be more politicians like this.


  1. I agree. I think the whole scrambling about and hole-in-the-dike efforts by the EU, IMF, & US Govt are mostly delaying tactics, taking the most easy way out of the mess, and making things even worse when these ad-hoc efforts are overwhelmed by the massive debt bomb.

    Chris Christie is Da Man!

  2. Hopefully Christie won't do a Brown on us. I thought the global socialist vehicle was interesting.
