Monday, May 3, 2010

Sam Adams Sucks (this has multiple meanings)

Recently Arizona enacted a bill that increases anti-illegal immigration policies in one of the worst illegal immigrant states. Senate Bill 1070 (

The bill makes it a state misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying legal documents, steps up state and local law enforcement of Federal immigration laws, and cracks down on those sheltering, hiring and transporting illegal immigrants
The reason why Sam Adams sucks, among other reasons, is that he is supporting a ban of city employees to travel to Arizona. He is joining a movement with his gay friend Gavin Newsom (mayor of San Francisco). The movement's main idea is that this new bill will violate civil rights.

Illegal immigration is obviously a problem in this country. If nothing is done soon then illegals will be demanding more voting power and eventually veto any move to stop immigration. It will be interesting to see what happens with this bill. Hopefully California, Texas, and Florida do the same. It could cost more money but its a price I'm willing to pay.


  1. I want to stick a plunger to my face everytime I see Sam Adams. I feel like eye contact with him contaminates me with gayness.

  2. Sam Adams exemplifies all that is wrong with typical municipal governments: pandering to minorities (perceived and otherwise), big government projects that spend a lot of money with little to show for it (numerous MAX lines, the new baseball stadium, numerous new bike lanes), and a lover of tax increases driving businesses away. Here we see him in full pandering mode. Conservatives/Republicans shouldn't shy away from this issue. The Arizona law is a polling winner. Shove it in our opponents faces.

  3. This whole out cry by the left is for the purpose of gaining the support and votes of the Mexican community which they are very much in need of. The right tried to do the exact same thing with amnesty. It is interesting that immigrations were already required to carrying documents. Also the nudge by Congress to get Puerto Rico state hood is an attempt to get more votes.

    It is sickening to see people come here illegally and then march in our streets demanding free benefits. This is another thing that is helping to bring the downfall of America: pressure groups all clamoring for a piece of the pie that they did not help to make and do not own.

    Eventually way down the road, America and Mexico and Canada will merge together keeping in line with globalization. I won't develop this topic much further for the time being. There is an active, though minor, push to make this happen. I think it would be a good thing in the long run. Of course absorbing a poor country, Mexico or Puerto Rico, at the very same time America has major problems with its finances would not bee good. There will be a North American union similar to the EU. Mexico is in the midst of a drug war. I have not heard any recent developments on this, so I don't know if it is close to collapsing--I don't think so. But I do know that it is on edge. I don't see the illegal immigration nor the trend of globalization being stopped. The whole world is on edge and any sudden change from the status quo or anything disruptive such as a natural disaster or some new war or some economic upheaval such as an increase in gas prices would bring about a very transformative change. Minus any sudden change, there is still the underlying ticking time bomb that is the world economy.

  4. A more intelligent statement about the fact that America and the world can not deal with a sudden problem, lest you get turned off by my over simplified statement about earthquakes and such.

    "It has been predicted that California has a 99% chance of a major devastating earthquake in the next thirty years.[...] The cost of these events may well be in the trillions of dollars. The economy, so wedded to the world financial structure and socialist economic policies, has a very high probability in the short- and long-term of repeating the scale of financial wreckage that the country has recently undergone.

    "Yet the current regime in Washington, D.C. does not seem to understand or care that the policies they are pursuing will leave no margin for error in the event of an apocalyptic natural or man-made calamity."

    "The wealth of the United States has always been its fallback position in order to come through wars and recessions or cope with natural disasters. The country's enormous gross domestic product (GDP) has allowed the government to spend (by reducing taxes, if necessary, and borrowing) whatever monies were needed to offset the losses incurred from these events and/or to restart the engine of the economy."[...]

    "They[our leaders] are in the process of squandering the nation's wealth, and thus its well-being, in their headlong determination to 'fundamentally change the country.'

    "This let the consequences (unintended or otherwise) be damned approach to governing will put the United States in a position where it will not have at its disposal the funding and economic activity necessary to recover from whatever catastrophe the country may encounter in the future."

    It goes on to say that America is headed towards the status that Greece is in. And "The United States, unlike Greece, will not have the European Union or the IMF to turn to. Where, then, will the monies come from if the worst occurs?[...] "As to a dramatic economic downturn, the traditional tools used to come through a recession or depression will not be available."
