Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Defense Secretary Gates Consults RTP&GG, rips NATO Allies

Secretary of Defense Gates, who served in that position in the second half of the Bush Administration as well as the 1st half of the Obama Administration, consulted RTP&GG, and decided his farewell speech would be a good time to absolutely hammer NATO.  I've got nothing to add to it.  Just read the Washington Post article.  A couple of killer quotes:
“The blunt reality is that there will be dwindling appetite and patience in the U.S. Congress, and in the American body politic writ large, to expend increasingly precious funds on behalf of nations that are apparently unwilling to devote the necessary resources ... to be serious and capable partners in their own defense,” he said in an address to a think tank in Brussels.
In Libya, Gates said, “the mightiest military alliance in history is only 11 weeks into an operation against a poorly armed regime in a sparsely populated country, yet many allies are beginning to run short of munitions, requiring the U.S., once more, to make up the difference.”

To continue to rap on my theme: international organizations don't work when the populations of some countries think those of others in the organization aren't pulling their weight or are trying to rip them off. "Coaltions of the willing" will be the wave of the future in both military and economic arenas.  The international organizations themselves have zero power.  Power rests in the wills of the member countries/populations.

1 comment:

  1. I heard this in the news. Gates was fairly blunt. It does appear that NATO is becoming irrevelant. Was it America's or the EU's ideal to go into Libya? When America stops funding all of these worthless international orgainizations--IMF, World Bank, Nato, UN, etc, I will accept the fact that these international organizations or unions are becoming a thing of the past. Germans are certaintly unhappy bailing out Greeks but their government is still doing just this. The sad fact is that economic developements will push the world into some global union which probably won't last long.

    The IMF is a socialist orgainzation that was founded by a communist, Dexter White who was a communist spy, and a Fabian socialist--who want to transform society into socialism through legsilation-- John maynard Keynes. The unstated goal of the IMF is the establishement of world socialism. I don't know any supporter of capitalism that can support these organizations. And this is exactly what its policies and actions are leading to. A lot of these international orgainzations were founded by socialist with the goal of creating world socialsm, or continuing Karl Marx's world revolution. The orgainzations should be ended. Yes there does need to be revelant international orgainzations, but this fact alone does not mean that socialist ones are ok or that they are necessary.

    But having their irrevelance being demonstrated on the world stage does not mean that they are going away. The policies of these orgainzations and the individual socialist governments of the world, to include America, are leading to a global economic collapse that will push nations into this new global world order that the IOs have been working for. The global economy is a ponzi scheme and is about to come to an end.

    On the war in Libya, I don't think America should have gone in there in the 1st place for the reasons mentioned in other posts and comments, one being that the Libyan oppositions has terrorist in it that physically fought America in Iraq. And Obama is in violation of the War Powers Act as he did not seek congressional apporaval for it. The speaker of the House is making a big deal about this and giving Obama a date that he must seek congress's approaval.
