Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Like a Big Boy!

Sorry for this post so long after the fact, but I think it's still relevent:

So the jokey Trump candidacy accomplished one thing: it humiliated Obama into releasing his long form birth certificate, over two years AFTER he was sworn in to be President.  The President said
"This issue has been going on for two, two and a half years now. I think it started during the campaign," Obama said. "I have watched with bemusement, I've been puzzled at the degree at which this thing just kept on going."

"We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," the president said.
Ironic. This president calling everyone else carnival barkers. RTP&GG ourselves did an in depth analysis of the situation a while ago.  I guessed that there must be something embarrassing about the birth certificate or it would have been released ages ago, long before he became president.  But, if you go to the first link above you can see a clear pdf of the certificate and you will see nothing at all odd about it, outside of the somewhat odd situation he was born into, which was already well-documented public knowledge.

Obama was trying to make fun of the people that raised a stink about the birth certificate, and of course liberals all praised this bold move.

The problems still are a) Why wasn't it mandatory to produce the birth certificate to run for president? b) Why didn't he just produce it and quash all the rumors long ago?

I am going to renew my Oregon Drivers License in a few weeks and I will need to produce my birth certificate.  When kids sign up for Little League in 3rd grade they have to produce birth certifcates to prove they are the right age to play for the team they signed up for.  This was a simple thing that should have been mandatory.

Talk about "soft bigotry of low expectations".  This is the softest and lowest I've ever seen.  Are we going to next praise him for knowing his home address and phone number, just like a big boy?  Barack, I'm so proud of you!   You really are qualified to be president!


  1. It should be remembered that it was Hilliary Clinton's campaign that were the ones that brought up the birth certificate issue when she was running against him.

    I think he waited to release the birth certificate because he wanted to use it as a way to discredit his opponents. He could just point to them as a bunch of kooks or birthers.

    But I think he should have shown it long ago and Trump did a service by forcing Obama to show it.

    But Obama is culturally a foreigner: he spent the most formative years of his life in other countries and he has a world view that is a major depature from Presidents of the past.

    Obama is having fun with the whole issue. At the Washignton correspondence dinner he was making fun of it and the White House is selling T-shirts that have a picture of him and says made in America with a picture of the birth certi on the back.

  2. Obama is crafty. He is a good politician. Especially when his followers are brain dead.
