Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Couple Gratuitous Obama Observation/Slams

We haven't delved too much into Obama's history on this blog as I recall.  We certainly can't be considered a hard core Birther site.  I'll bet that every one of us believe that Barack Obama satisfies the citizenship requirement in the Constitution to be President.  The problem is that one must use the word 'believe' because there has never been enough evidence presented to the public to establish beyond a doubt that he does.  We know very little of the normal things that everyone wants to know about a president.  The MSM has displayed its true bias by, on one hand, tearing with incredible zest into the micro-gyno-history and family of Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin (gratuitous Palin photo required), but being singularly uninterested in the many obvious questions about President Barack Obama's past.  A couple of articles discuss these things: the first is a 'What If?' scenario pointing out the unapologetic Marxism of Obama by presenting us with a hypothetical alternate candidate:

So I want to present you with a hypothetical. Let's say a leader were elected who had, during his childhood, been mentored by an avowed Nazi. Let us further say that his guardians had chosen this mentor for him, indicating that they were likely sympathetic to the man's beliefs. Now, let us say that upon reaching college, this future leader gravitated toward Nazi professors. Moreover, we then find out that a man who knew the leader as an undergraduate and was, at the time, a Nazi himself, said that the leader was "in 100-percent total agreement" with his Nazi professors and was a flat-out Nazi who believed in old-style Brownshirt tactics.

Okay, we're almost done. After graduating, the leader-to-be spends twenty years sitting in a white-power church, has an alliance with a self-proclaimed Nazi and ex-terrorist, and, apparently, becomes a member of a National Socialist party for a while. And then, upon being elected, he appoints an avowed Nazi to his administration and also a woman who cites Adolf Hitler as one of her two favorite philosophers. Now here's the million-depreciated-dollar question:

What would be nuttier: to claim that this man was a Nazi or to claim that such an assertion is out-of-bounds?

This is an EXACT description of Barack Obama, except replace 'Nazi' with 'Marxist' and replace 'White Power' with 'Black Power'.  Yet the MSM is not the slightest bit interested in these questions concerning The President of the United States.  Read the whole thing, there are a lot more goodies.

The next article lays out the bullet-point issues the Birthers are concerned about.  The author, as well as every other citizen of the USA should be interested in the answers, even if they are convinced Barack Obama is a bona-fide US citizen.  Again, why are these issues scoffed at?  Someone tell me exactly why resolving these issues is a ridiculous thing.  As the author says, every other president in the last 100 years has been able to satisfactorily resolve these issues:

To date the following are all undisclosed:

1) 1961 long-form, original, signed birth certificate
2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) — not found, not released
3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed
4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed
5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s repatriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) — not released
Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released.
10) Columbia College records — not released
11) Columbia senior thesis — not released
12) Harvard Law School records - not released
13) Obama’s law client list — sealed
14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
16) Obama’s medical records — not released
17) Obama’s passport records — not released
Does wanting to see the records above seem unreasonable? It seems perfectly reasonable to me. So why scoff at the Birthers?  It seems to me that by far the bigger question is, why are all these perfectly normal things being hidden?


  1. I like the beginning of the article, "One of the problems with the idea of 'American exceptionalism' is that it exacerbates a kind of complacency common to man. This is the phenomenon whereby people often view themselves as exceptions -- saying, after some tragedy, for instance, something such as 'I never thought it could happen to me.'" This applies to America as a whole. People just don't see a disaster coming and don't want to believe it. There is a technical name in survival psychology when people are confronted with a disaster they simply refuse to believe it even when they are witnessing it.

    I have not examined the facts on President Obama's birth certificate. I do know that he probably doesn't reveal it so as to discredit his opponents.

    The fact is that Obama is a foreigner Culturally and maybe even literally. It is amazing how someone with Obama's background could ever be elected to this Nation's highest office. The fact is that he ascribes to Marxist political philosophy. To deny this is to simply ignore the facts and the very words of those that he has chosen to advise him while he is in office. Jaret said that Obama would be "ready to rule from day one". Obama even stated in his Autobiography, I don't know which one, that he gravitated towards Marixist professors and other great people. The only way to describe people's disbelief about these facts about Obama is just as the beginning of the article does. People don't like to be confronted with facts that cause cognitive dissonance. They don't want to believe that they elected and have as a leader a person of this background.

    And what is even more amazing is that some acknowledge Obama is a Marxist and don't even care. Some people have said "How do we know Communism is a bad thing?".

    Their is a large majority of Americans who hold beliefs similar to Obama and hold Marixist political thought. Communism no longer has to hide in the dark. A bunch of Communist even came out in the open on 1028 at the Washington rally, a rally that was supported by Obama. To deny that it was a communist gathering is to ignore the very statements on the various groups' websites that state that they are communist groups.

    The fact that Obama is a Marixist does not matter to most Americans and others simply don't want to believe this. We can go on and on about the facts and this won't change people's opinion.

    People won't see where this nation is headed until it is to late and the water in their ship of life is running into their nostrils. The same thing all throughout human history over and over again.

  2. Roots of Obama's Rage really exemplifies everything you guys are saying. It is a fun read. Kind of depressing though. It makes me hate Obama on a personal level. It makes me get to know him like he is my next door neighbor.

  3. I tend to think that Obama doesn't think he has to justify himself to us. I think he likes watching white people who were born into "empirical wealth" have to whine and kick and scream that we want him to do something. Then he can sit in his White House with that smug face and smile back and say, "neener neener neener! I don't have to." Then he would follow up this comment by sticking out his tongue.
