Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Continuing Collapse of the Music Industry

Via Ace.  Not quite ready for big posts yet.  Here's a quick one that caught my eye regarding the continuing collapse of the music industry.  This chart from Business Insider shows that the amount of money the average person spends on recorded music is less than any time since at least the early '70's (the chart doesn't go any further back).
There are lots of other good charts tracking the music industry (all bad news for people in it).  People aren't buying as much music, and when they do, they aren't buying albums anymore.  I can vouch for that, and I probably still buy more music than most people.  Back in the '70's, I would buy an album a paycheck, and albums still cost about half what they do now, and I was making less than 1/10.  I'm not necessarily saying I spent my money wisely!

Not saying whether it's good or bad, it's just the way it is.


  1. From the article it appears that the ability to download music and for people to be able to easily copy music without buying the music,and people downloading music and especially singles as opposed to the whole album are the major causes of the decline of the music industry.

    This is the decline of the music industry and not the decline of music or music as an art. The internet makes it easier for people to not have to buy music in traditional formats. The music industry is changing and if the music industry fails to adapt, then it deserves to see the decline in revenues that it is seeing. The book "The World Is Flat" by Friedman describes the forces that are causing this change.

  2. I don't think music is very influential to pop culture anymore.

    I think music, especially pop music, is losing its hype. I think soon we will see a new type of cultural influence. It might come from sports, video games, books, or the internet. I think influencial sociological waves of music like grundge or hip hop are done. They are fads that have played out. Just another blimp on histoys's radar.

  3. I think music is still influencial. And music is only one of several mediums that philosophers have chosen to disseminate their philosophies. We have T.V. shows, movies, the education system, and the arts.

    I think there will always be "pop culture". What exactly is considered this fad or pop culture might be different but it is still pop culture. I bet there was pop culture in Rome.

  4. Here is a great example of pop culture spreading the good news. We have nothing to fear!


  5. I'm going to see a Rammstein concert in may. That is a great example of how music has been elavated to higher levels of intelligence

  6. Why do you listen to music? How does it make you feel? Why do you listen to the music that you listen to? Do you stop to think what the words mean and try to reason it out in your head? Do you put yourself in the place of the topic or object or person that is being sung about in that music? Why do you listen to sad, happy, upbeat music?

    "Art is man's metaphysical mirror; what a rational man seeks to see in that mirror is a salute; what an irrational man seeks to see is a justification--even it only a justification of his depravity, as a last convulsion of his betrayed self-esteem."

    "Helmholtz has demonstrated that the essence of musical perception is mathematical: the consonance or dissonance of harmonies depends on the ratios of the frequencies of their tones. The brain can integrate a ratio of one to two, for instance, but not of eight to nine."

    I answer those questions and I don't like what I come up with. That is why I don't really enjoy music much, aside from some classical without words.

    Make sure you rock out with your cock out at the concert.

  7. I listen to the music that I listen to because it is entertaining.

    Depending on the music, it can make me feel motivated, happy, angry, analytical (sometimes I listen to classical or Tool and the music makes me dwell on something that my mind was previously dwelling on)etc.

    I listen to the music that I listen to because it is entertaining.

    I try to listen to the words and reason them out. If I can't understand them then I give up. It is not a huge issue to me.

  8. I guess I might put myself in the place of the songs object. Just like I would if I were watching a movie or reading a book.

    I listen to sad, happy, upbeat music (I guess that covers all music)...because it is entertaining.
