Saturday, May 18, 2013

Trust Your Federal Government? A Trip down Memory Lane

Ron Brown and Plane Crash in Croatia
The American Thinker blog has an article taking us down memory lane, in light of the multiple disgusting Obama administration scandals currently dominating the headlines, about the events and coverup of the death of Clinton Administration Commerce Secretary Ron Brown.   It's a multi-part article detailing the electoral politics around a series of events beginning with the Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh and a still-unidentified "foreign-looking man" in 1995 and including the crash of the Air Force transport plane carrying Secretary Brown in Croatia in 1996.  Though I was familiar with these events at the time, I had forgotten the controversies.  Very interesting reading, both for review and if these events of the mid-90's are new to you.

What these articles show is the extent that our government leaders will go to cover their own ass and do what is right for them politically, rather than what is right for the nation.  All these scandals show what a hypocritically disgusting thing our completely amoral president said at Ohio St University on May 5th

"Unfortunately, you've grown up hearing voices that incessantly warn of government as nothing more than some separate, sinister entity that's at the root of all our problems," Obama told graduates. "Some of these same voices also doing their best to gum up the works. They'll warn that tyranny is always lurking just around the corner. You should reject these voices."
The American Thinker article is a good primer on what was going on back in the mid 90's.  Interesting that it was also a Democratic administration, but I'm not trying to make the point that Democrats can't be trusted (though that is certainly true).  My point is that doubting our elected leaders is a very proper, right, healthy thing to do.  And doing things like, oh, Obamacare, that gives the Federal government even more control in our lives, even in the alternate universe where it would be economical, is the wrong thing to do.  Not news to RTP&GGers of course.

Voters need to make sure that the right thing for politicians is the right thing for America.  That is what the ballot box is for.  Unfortunately, I don't know that the majority of Americans care what is right for America anymore.


  1. The media needs to be persistent in its scrutiny of these issues. It seems like the Administration is almost out of the shadow of the Benghazi scandal. The right minded media can't let it go away until we have answers.

  2. As corrupt and as big a lier as Clinton was he is still one of the most popular politicians and well liked and adored. With all of these scandals going on involving Obama he is still popular and well liked by a significant number of Americans. Obama will never be impeached as a result of these scandals. Americans deserve leaders like Clinton and Obama and the Federal Reserve that all are taking advantage of the American people. Too many Americans are more concerned with pop culture, sports and other distractions to care. The world is about to change to a great extent along with people's lives and most people are completely oblivious to the fact. They are in effect walking zombies or dead people. You can see it in their eyes. One common tactic to discredit those that point out these scandals is to label them as conspiracy theorist or crazy people. Glenn Beck pointed out that the IRS was targeting conservatives a year before the IRS admitted to doing this. Beck was called a conspiracy theorist. When I hear someone being labeled a conspiracy theorist I assume that that person is probably closer to the truth than those labeling them as such.
