Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Federal Europe By The Back Door

Here is clip in honor of the late Margaret Thatcher who warned against the Euro.

And here is a clip of Nigel Farage speaking the truth about the European Union and discussing the recent wealth confiscation of the people of Cyprus. (This is a portent of what will happen in the next economic crisis here and around the world.)

The current economic crisis in the EU was predicted by some of the finance ministers of the various European nations that signed up for the Euro. They had wanted to create a political and economic union that would have created a united states of Europe. They couldn't get the political union by consent of the European people, so they settled for an unsustainable economic union that would force the political union on the people of Europe through an economic crisis:
  "On 1 January 1999, with the introduction of the an important part of national sovereignty, to wit monetary sovereignty, was passed over to a European institution...The introduction of a common currency is not primarily an economic, but rather a sovereign and thus eminently political act...political union must be our lodestar from now on: it is the logical follow-on from Economic and Monetary Union,” then German foreign minister Joschka Fischer told European Union lawmakers just days after the introduction of the euro in 1999.
Fischer was not alone, with many of the founding members of the euro zone making it clear that the single currency was significant as a stepping stone to political union.
"The single currency is the greatest abandonment of sovereignty since the foundation of the European is a decision of an essentially political nature. We need this United Europe...we must never forget that the euro is an instrument for this project” said Felipe Gonzalez, then Spanish prime minister. Even those who opposed the idea and refused to join agreed that the euro had little to do with economics.
"A single currency is about the politics of Europe. It is about a Federal Europe by the back door,” John Major, the former U.K. prime minister, said two years before the euro was born and six months before being routed at the polls by Tony Blair.
Historian Niall Ferguson wrote in this weekend’s Sunday Times that the euro’s founding fathers were well aware that the introduction of the euro would lead us to a crisis very like this one. [Emphasis is mine.]
Vladimir Bukovsky states that the European union is the new Soviet Union:

The European Union is template for the coming world government that will be forced upon the people of the world in the coming economic crisis.


  1. Way to go with the Maggie memorial, Jeff! Yes, both awesome and sad that what would go wrong wtih the Euro was totally predicted before it started, and not by some nobody at a university somewhere but someone with about as big a megaphone to get her point across as anyone at the time. Yet it was still adopted.

    A good article. The Europeans are behaving exactly according to my theory (which is, when faced with unacceptable alternatives, the choice will be the one that takes the least work at the moment). The Euro and the nations using it are in a hell of a fix. No matter what they do, they are screwed. So, they just continue to bandage along as things slowly get worse. Who knows how long it can last. Again, Zimbabwe's been a total basket case wreck for decades and nobody's tried to turn it around. It is what Democrats have been doing forever, and yes, Republicans have not been fighting against them hard enough (just as the Conservatives in Britain didn't continue the fight after Maggie left)

    This is my new thought for a bumper sticker:

    Democrats: Working to turn American into Zimbabwe since 1933

  2. I should say though that the Brits did manage to keep themselves out of the Euro, even after Thatcher left.

  3. The Tragedy of the Euro is a good book to read on this topic.

    Thatcher, various finance ministers, and the founders of the Euro realized that the introduction of a single currency without central economic control resulting from a political union would lead to this crisis, and that it would be used as a catalyst to bring about their desired political union or United States of Europe. The Euro and the European union represent the socialist vision of Europe.

    Zimbabwe's economic disaster is the result a little despotic African ruler acting alone. The economic disaster in Europe is the result of the coordination of the elites of various European countries plans to bring about a centralized government in Europe. The economic situation in Europe is not an accident and is part of a strategy to force a central government on the people of Europe.

    The manner in which Europe is being forced into further economic and political integration through planned economic crisis is a template for what will happen on a global scale where international organizations like the IMF and World Bank are helping to bring about a world central bank and some new world government.

    "Finally, politicians changed the German constitution in order to make the transfer of the sovereign power over the currency to a supranational institution possible. All of this was done without asking the people. "

    Pg. 69" The Euro was a step toward the establishment of a world currency. With all currency competition eliminated, politicians would have unlimited power.
    29 Moreover, international monetary cooperation is easier to achieve between the Fed and the ECB than it would be between the Fed and several European central banks. "

    Europe and America's economy are interconnected. What happens there affects our economy to a great extent. This is why our central bank the Fed has been helping to bail out Europe. The European Union is part of a larger plan by the global elites to bring about their desire and fantasy for a world government, and they are progressing using economic crisis towards this goal.

  4. At a worldwide macro level, I do not think there is a plan that is being conducted by a few puppet masters. I think the catastrophic economic events and the subsequent "plugs" are just the cause and effect of Socialist Philosophy being adopted by Westerners. Hopefully we have a strong enough foundation to know that the water is too hot when we dip our toe in it.

    I agree with Bud-D that the ultimate goal hasn't always been and always will be abject poverty and a totalitarian gov't.

  5. Bud-D, the point being that turning the economy into shambles is the method that they are using to bring about further economic and policial centralization: their vision of a united states of Europe. They knew that the introduction of a common currency,the Euro, without a political union would bring about the current crisis. They wanted a united states of Europe, but the people would not accept this. So they decided to force it upon the European people through the economic crisis that would result from the common currency. The Euro was forced upon the people of Europe against ther wishes. And today the people of Europe are undergoing sever hardships and pain to continue to try to live out this vision of the European elites. Merkel has made this clear in her statements and actions. The founders of the European union were/are atheist. There is no mention of God in the Lisbon treaty. The way in which the European elite are trying to bring about their vision is totalarianism in nature regardless of their intentions.

    I would agree that abject poverty and totalitarianism is not the goal of the majority of the global elite or politicans. Fridrich Hayek illustrated in "The Road to Serfdom" that totalitariansim would not appear in the West by evil men, but by well meaning people working to achieve a welfare/socialist society that provides for all of people's need. Totalitariansim is the end result of the good intentions of liberals. This is why you can't look at the intentions or stated goals of politicans; but instead, you must look at the end result. Although some that are trying to bring about socialism do have nefarious intentions. I think that the people in the top echleons are aware of what they are doing as illustrated by the European politicans and economist that purposely introduced a common currency knowing that it would lead to the current economic crisis, and human suffering, so that they could use this crisis as a means to bring about their vision of a united Europe under a central government. (It could be said that they want a united Europe to prevent a repeat of Europe's history of wars.) Also the fact that liberal politicans here and abroad can not be honest about their intentions or goals and instead have to disguise what they are doing says a lot about their goals. For example with Obamacare, Obama lied to the American people about his reforms not being a government take over of the health care system as illustrated by his words before the SEIU on youtube. In total, the average politican has good intentions and the top echelons have more nefarious intentions.

    ToeJam, there is a handful of people in various positions of power in the world that do want to bring about a world goverment. This is nothing new and is not some conspiracy. John Maynard Keynes, the intellectual founding father of the IMF and World Bank, saw these institutions morphing into a world central bank and adovcated for a single world currency called the bancor. And guess what. The IMF and World Bank are slowly morphing into this world central bank as envisioned its founder. Our current president believes in transnationalism. Look at how environmentalism is being used as a crisis to bring about globl goverance. Look at people like Soros. He advocates for global goverance and spends a lot of his money to help bring it about. Look at the Fabian socialist society that has influenced the left here and around the world.
    It depicts them heating the world on fire and hammering it out so as to mold it nearer to the hearts desire and in the process to make the new world.

  6. "German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that euro zone members must be prepared to cede control over certain policy domains to European institutions if the bloc is truly to overcome its debt crisis and win back foreign investors."

    "We seem to find common solutions when we are staring over the abyss," Merkel said. "But as soon as the pressure eases, people say they want to go their own way.

    "We need to be ready to accept that Europe has the last word in certain areas. Otherwise we won't be able to continue to build Europe," she added."

    Political and economic union through economic crisis.
