Saturday, January 19, 2013

Print Your Own AR-15?

3-D printing or additive manufacturing will be a transformative technology of the future along with many other advances in technology. There is a current gun debate going on in the country, and this technology possibly holds the key to preventing the government from being able to ban guns because in the not-too-distant future you will possibly be able to print a gun using a 3-D printer. This guy says that he has already printed a functional AR-15. I doubt that he actually created a functional firearm using this technology because it is not currently possible to create a barrel using this technology that would be safe to shoot. From an investment point of view, 
3-D printing is worth investing in, DDD.

Overall, advances in technology-- computer generated news articles, automationartificial intelligence, robots, and self-driving cars (truck drivers will become obsolete)-- will greatly transform our lives in the not-to-distant future. All of the good jobs of the future will be in engineering or jobs that require creativity and brain power: you will have to be smart. If you want to set your kids up to have a sucessful economic future, then make sure they learn math. If you can do math, then you can go to a school like Georgia Tech and be as close as you can get to having a guaranteed bright economic future.


  1. Go Georgia Tech!

    I haven't looked closely at these 3D printers, but I'm sure something that could carve a hunk of high quality steel into something as intricate as that would be very expensive, not to mention the materials required for the gun. It's interesting, and I may be missing a lot, but, I think there's maybe a bit less here than meets the eye.

  2. 3D technology along with a lot of other advances in tech will transform our lives in the next few decades. 3D tech has been around for a while. Jay Leno who is a car collector has been using this tech to make car parts. You can buy a small basic 3D printer for around 2000 dollars. The one that the guy used in the link above said he used a multi-thousand dollar one to make his AR-15, but that the price of these things will be coming down. So in the not so distance future people will possibly be able to print their own guns and other things.

    Google has a car that can drive by itself. It has logged over 300,000 miles and is licensed by the state of Nevada and California. The tech exist and is better than humans. So within 10 years cars will be driving themselves, some cars sold today have some of the tech already. This will transform society. Think about all of those truck drivers and other professional drivers.

    Computer programs are already writing some news and sports articles.

    Automation is transforming manafacturing.

    These advances in tech will be akin to the industrial revolution that will displace a lot of workers. To survive your kids needs to be educated. If your kids can do math then they can have a bright economic future. I mentioned Georgia Tech because I have read several news articles stating the job placement rate for graduates of this school and others like it. You dont even have to look for a job if you graduate from a school like this and are basically guaranteed a good well paying job for the rest of your life, but you have to be able to do math. To do this it takes many years of training. One of the best things you can do for your kids economic future is to make them study math and science. Low skilled jobs are largely going away in the next few decades. People without an education or skill set geared towards this new economic environment will be screwed and facing a bleak outlook.

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  4. Hello. How 'bout that Sequester, huh?! what's up with that?
