Friday, November 23, 2012

A Conservative Farewell Speech

No, I'm not giving a farewell speech.  The fight goes on, even if it's conducted from the marshy wasteland on the fringe of the kingdom.

Here is the farewell speech of the greatest conservative politician of my lifetime.  The speech was given in 1991, at the end of her 12 years as PM of the United Kingdom and one year before the formation of the European Union.

She used her two terms as PM to turn the UK from a socialist basket case (in 1979, the UK's standard of living was on par with East Germany's), to an economic powerhouse, by standing up to the unions and capably advocating the Free Market system.  Though the UK has diverged somewhat leftward since her time, it is still in far better shape than she found it and the British overall are still maintaining their independence from the EU. 

In this speech she shows clearly and simply what liberals want, and in so doing shows the ridiculousness of their desire.  She also delivers a parting warning about the danger of the EU that is remarkably prescient.

We need a Thatcher badly now, as Americans have shown that they prefer the results liberalism provides rather than conservatism.


  1. The great experiment that was America has ended. Freedom of the level that we have experienced in our lives is a very rare thing in human history. It is time for freedom to give way to tyranny. Alfred faced an external enemy. That article mentions how Alfred tried to shore up the education system that had been destroyed by the Vikings. Today the enemy have defeated America from within through the education and cultural institutions.

    The type of change that America and the world face are nothing like what has happened in the past 100 years or anything that Thatcher faced. The decline of freedom and the rise of the global welfare state is a secular trend that has been in the making for well over 100 years. And this cycle of history will be unique in human history due to its global nature.

    If you are thinking about starting a 401K, IRA, or some other retirement plan you should think twice about doing that. If you have one that is not too old, I would recommend closing it even considering the massive tax penalties. I know that you can close an IRA and avoid paying the fines if you put the money towards a first home. My generation will simply not be able to retire unless you are extremely wealthy and know how to properly plan around what is happening in the world. For those about to retire or are close to retiring, you are worse off than my generation because your retirement savings will be wiped out at a time that you will be unable to find work. I have mentioned before on this blog about how the government is going to eventually take over these retirement accounts. Here is an update:

    "SHFTplan) A new effort by the Obama administration, Congress, the Treasury Department and labor unions aims to fundamentally alter how Americans plan and save for retirement."

    "Warnings have been popping up over the last several years about the possibility of re-appropriating the $3.5 Trillion sitting in private retirement and spreading those funds around to Americans who are deemed less fortunate."

    "This couldn’t possibly happen in America, right? At one time, most Americans also believed heath care mandates that force Americans at the barrel of a gun to surrender portions of their earnings into a universal system for all would never happen. Well, it did."

    "And now, those who would control and regulate every aspect of our lives are making a new push; one whose efforts will ultimately end in the seizure and redistribution the personal retirement savings of every American who has ever put money into a 401(k) or IRA."

    On the EU, a lot of the people involved in the creation of monetary union knew that it would lead to the exact same crisis that is present today. They had wanted to create a full monetary and political union or a united states of Europe and saw that this crisis that they predicted would be a catalyst for the creation of the political union, “It was understood that
    once a country introduced the Euro, it would never leave the EMU. The Euro is quite correctly seen as a political project and a step toward political integration. Jacques Delors put it bluntly
    in February 1995: “EMU means, for instance, that the Union acknowledges
    the debt of all those countries that are in the EMU.”16”   pg 125 from the Tragedy of the Euro
    And “Is to follow through the original logic of monetary union. If you go back to 1989 Delores report it was explicit that one consequence of monetary union would be central control of national budgets, of national policy. And that is ultimately the crucial staging point for a federal system of the sort that you have here in Canada.”

  2. “The institutional setup of the EMU has been an economic disaster. The Euro is a political project; political interests have brought the European currency forwards on its grievous way and
    have been clashing over it as a result. And economic arguments launched to disguise the true agenda behind the Euro have failed to convince the general population of its advantages. The Euro has succeeded in serving as a vehicle for central ization in Europe and for the French government’s goal of establishing a European Empire under its control—curbing the infl uence of the German state. Monetary policy was the political means toward political union. Proponents of a socialist Europe saw the Euro as their trump against the defense of a classical liberal Europe that had been expanding in power and influence ever since the Berlin Wall came down. The single currency was seen as a step toward political integration and centralization. The logic of interventions propelled the Eurosystem toward a political unification under a central state in Brussels. As national states are abolished, the market place of Europe becomes a new Soviet Union.” PG 182

    A good book on the history of the EU that is available online for free is “The Tragedy of The Euro” by Baggus.

    Japan's central bank is about to loose its independence from the government. Now the politicans will be directly controlling the flow of money. This will be repeated throughout the world. And according to this guy, Japan has passed an important milestone on its way to collapse is about to collapse.

    And here are some charts on the economy.

  3. Good video, and good article.
    However inspiring they might be, they are not truly analogous to our world/country's current situation. I think Jeff was accurate in saying that "it will be unique to history due to its global nature".

    Bud-D is right though, we cannot give up. Perhaps the new world order can be a free and fair one. I doubt it though.

