Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chris Christie: So Much For The New Conservative Hero

Well, looks like politics have ruined what was once a great governor and a possible perceived hope for turning the country around. (There really isn't that much hope when you start looking at America's situation, but figuring that out takes time/effort and might make one sad if you aren't prepared to handle it.) Christie has officially sold out. He is no longer a principled conservative and has instead decided to become part of the political establishment. He has now endorsed the liberal presidential candidate Romney and has said it is intellectually dishonest to compare Romney care to Obamacare. Looks like Chris is the one that is intellectually dishonest:
"Mitt Romney and Barack Obama never met to discuss the federal health care law, but Romney's advisers did. New records reviewed by NBC News's Michael Isikoff point out that 'White House officials had a dozen meetings in 2009 with three health-care advisers and experts who helped shape the health care reform law signed by Romney in 2006.' One meeting, NBC News reports, 'was in the Oval Office and presided over by Barack Obama.' Jon Gruber, one of the advisers who attended the Obama meeting, said that the White House 'really wanted to know how we can take that same approach we used in Massachusetts and turn that into a national model.'"

This is just one small point to show that Christie is himself being intellectually dishonest.

What a sell out, but such is the way of American politics: Americans won't accept or elect a real principled conservative. Americans would rather be lied to and have leaders like Obama. Christie's betray is just another nail in America's coffin along with the Republican's complete and utter failure to address America's looming debt crisis during the debt ceiling deal. Watch Romney become the candidate. Obama or Romney? Looks like a false choice to me.


  1. Hey, I'm not commenting as anonymous anymore!

    Chris Christie is being who he is and who we've always known him to be: a NE Conservaative. This is not the same as a Southern or Midwest Conservative. He has led the way in bringing under control out of control state spending. Exactly what he was elected to do. He is turning around a disaster of a state. He still has what a lot of us would consider liberal values on many things. That's just who he is, no surprise.

    I agree with you Jeff that his defense of Romneycare is disheartening. However, he is backing up his fellow NE Republican. He's a great guy for where he's at. He wouldn't make a good governor of Alabama, and I'm not sure whether I'd want him to be president or not. Not sure. He's certainly better than Obama, and he certainly has been a hero in tackling the most important threat to the US we currently face: government debt.

    I have hesitations with Romney; I agree with you that there is some danger there. I look forward to seeing who he would nominate for VP. I hear Cain is considering Ryan for VP. Awesome! The twists and turns of this campaign are a lot of fun for polictial junkies like me.

  2. See this article from Ace of Spades: http://ace.mu.nu/archives/322598.php

    Now, I know that you and I were always to the right of these guys, but the general Republican base has shifted right. We shouldn't terribly condemn these guys for standing firm in their positions, even though the base has shifted (even if they aren't quite what we'd like to see).

    Off Topic: I find it interesting that people always talk about the liberal base or the conservative base, The Base, which of course, is what Al Qaeda means.

    I guess that makes us terrorists.

  3. A good read that goes along with the Ace of Spades article is Hayek's explanation of why he is not a conservative in his book "The Constitution Of Liberty".

    I don't really think that the people have shifted right. I think that the republicans and democrats have shifted so far left that what was once considered to be left is now conservative. Even the most right leaning people still don't want to enact real liberal, in the classical sense, measures. Overall the nation has shifted dramatically left and is now a socialist nation.

    The point about Christie is that he is being dishonest just the get in good with the ruling elite in the establishment republicans and he was held up to be a great conservative. Not being honest does not make him a good guy in any sense. Supporting government run health care on any level is not a good thing. The fact that he could be called a great guy in the sense of being conservative shows how far the nation has gone left.

    Romney is no conservative by any standard and there are not that many distinctions between Obama and Romney in terms of health care and climate change and therefore the direction that they would take America.



    Basically the same people that advised Romney on his health care program went to advise Obama for his health care plan and one of the advisers straight up said that there is no difference between the two programs.

  4. Something about Christie doesn't make any sense. He is supporting a program that has increase the debt of the state of Massachusetts, if I remember correctly. This was the very thing that Christie fought against in New Jersey--state debt. So why would he now support a program that has led to the very same thing that he has fought against. Did he do what he did in New Jersey because he believed in it or did he just do it for political opprountism.

  5. Yeah, I can't explain that support except that he has faith in his fellow Northeastern Republican. I'm not happy about that either, but I still consider Christie a hero.

  6. I think him supporting Romney and doing a complete u-turn in his views says that there is something up.
